Program to build DFA that accepts the languages ending with “01” over the characters {0, 1}

Given a binary string str, the task is to build a DFA that accepts the languages ending with “01” over the characters {0, 1}.


Input: str = “00011101” Output: String Accepted Explanation: As the given string ends with “01”, therefore, it is accepted.

Input: str = “00001111” Output: String Rejected Explanation: As the given string ends with “11”, therefore, it is rejected.

Approach: To solve the above problem, below are the class state and member function needed:

  • Pair 1: It deals with the first type of input i.e. 0 and links it with an object pointer to the next state.
  • Pair 2: It deals with the second type of input i.e. 1 and links it with an object pointer to the next state.
  • m_x: It defines whether a particular state is initial or final.

Class member functions are defined below:

  • initialize(): This function takes the two pairs(used for two kinds of inputs) as parameters along with the state defining character(i or f).
  • transition(): This acts as a transition table for the automata and with a particular input it goes from one state to next state.
  • traverse(): This function takes the input string and passes it through the automata.
  • check(): This function checks whether after the input has ended the end state is a final state or not. If it is final then the string is accepted otherwise rejected.

For this problem three states are needed. Hence, create three-class objects and initialize them with required values as:

  • State 1: On input 0 it goes to State 2 and on input 1 it goes to itself.
  • State 2: On input 0 it goes to itself and on input 1 it goes to State 3.
  • State 3: On input 0 it goes to State 2 and on input 1 goes to State 1. Also, this is our final state.

Below is the implementation of the above approach: 


// C++ program of a DFA that accepts
// all string ending with "01"
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
// Class for automata
class State {
    // Data members to store the input
    pair<int, State*> Pair1;
    pair<int, State*> Pair2;
    char m_x;
    // Pointer to the state of automata
    static State* m_ptr;
    // Constructor to initialize state
        Pair1.first = 0;
        Pair1.second = nullptr;
        Pair2.first = 0;
        Pair2.second = nullptr;
        m_x = ' ';
    // Initialise pair1 and pair2
    // with state x
    void initialize(
        pair<int, State*> pair1,
        pair<int, State*> pair2, char x)
        Pair1 = pair1;
        Pair2 = pair2;
        m_x = x;
    // Passes a string through automata
    static void transition(int input);
    static void traverse(string& str, int n);
    // Checks if the last state
    // is final or not
    static void check();
// Pointer to the current
// state of automata
State* State::m_ptr{ nullptr };
// Function to provide state
// transition of automata
void State::transition(int input)
    if ((*m_ptr).Pair1.first == input)
        m_ptr = (*m_ptr).Pair1.second;
        m_ptr = (*m_ptr).Pair2.second;
// Checks if the last state
// is final or not
void State::check()
    if ((*m_ptr).m_x == 'f')
        cout << "String Accepted\n"
             << endl;
        cout << "String Rejected\n"
             << endl;
// Passes a string through automata
void State::traverse(string& str, int n)
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        int x{ (int)str[i] - (int)'0' };
// Function to check if the given
// is accepted in DFA or not
void isAccepted(string str)
    // States of the automata
    State one, two, three;
    // Transition table for required
    // automata
    one.initialize({ 0, &two },
                   { 1, &one }, 'i');
    two.initialize({ 0, &two },
                   { 1, &three }, 'i');
    three.initialize({ 0, &two },
                     { 1, &one }, 'f');
    int length{ static_cast<int>(str.length()) };
    State::m_ptr = &one;
    // Function call
    State::traverse(str, length);
// Driver Code
int main()
    string str{ "00111101" };
    return 0;


public class State {
    // Data members to store the input
    private int[] Pair1;
    private int[] Pair2;
    private char m_x;
    // Pointer to the state of automata
    private static State m_ptr = null;
    // Constructor
    public State() {
        this.Pair1 = new int[]{0, -1};
        this.Pair2 = new int[]{0, -1};
        this.m_x = ' ';
    // Initialise pair1 and pair2 with state x
    public void initialize(int[] pair1, int[] pair2, char x) {
        this.Pair1 = pair1;
        this.Pair2 = pair2;
        this.m_x = x;
    // Passes an input through automata
    public void transition(int input) {
        if (Pair1[0] == input) {
            m_ptr = getState(Pair1[1]);
        } else {
            m_ptr = getState(Pair2[1]);
    // Helper function to get the state based on the index
    private static State getState(int index) {
        switch (index) {
            case 0:
                return new State();
            case 1:
                return new State();
            case 2:
                return new State();
                return new State(); // Return a default state for invalid indexes
    public static void traverse(String str) {
        int n = str.length();
        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
            int x = Character.getNumericValue(str.charAt(i));
    // Checks if the last state is final or not
    public void check() {
        if (m_x == 'f') {
            System.out.println("String Accepted");
        } else {
            System.out.println("String Rejected");
    // Function to check if the given string is accepted in DFA or not
    public static void isAccepted(String str) {
        // States of the automata
        State one = new State();
        State two = new State();
        State three = new State();
        // Transition table for the required automata
        one.initialize(new int[]{0, 1}, new int[]{1, 0}, 'i');
        two.initialize(new int[]{0, 1}, new int[]{1, 2}, 'i');
        three.initialize(new int[]{0, 1}, new int[]{1, 0}, 'f');
        int length = str.length();
        m_ptr = one;
        // Function call
    // Driver Code
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        String str = "00111101";


class State:
    # Data members to store the input
    def __init__(self):
        self.Pair1 = [0, None]
        self.Pair2 = [0, None]
        self.m_x = ' '
    # Pointer to the state of automata
    m_ptr = None
    # Initialise pair1 and pair2
    # with state x
    def initialize(self, pair1, pair2, x):
        self.Pair1 = pair1
        self.Pair2 = pair2
        self.m_x = x
    # Passes a string through automata
    def transition(input):
        if State.m_ptr.Pair1[0] == input:
            State.m_ptr = State.m_ptr.Pair1[1]
            State.m_ptr = State.m_ptr.Pair2[1]
    def traverse(str, n):
        for i in range(n):
            x = int(str[i]) - int('0')
    # Checks if the last state
    # is final or not
    def check():
        if State.m_ptr.m_x == 'f':
            print("String Accepted\n")
            print("String Rejected\n")
# Function to check if the given
# is accepted in DFA or not
def isAccepted(str):
    # States of the automata
    one = State()
    two = State()
    three = State()
    # Transition table for required
    # automata
    one.initialize([0, two],
                   [1, one], 'i')
    two.initialize([0, two],
                   [1, three], 'i')
    three.initialize([0, two],
                      [1, one], 'f')
    length = len(str)
    State.m_ptr = one
    # Function call
    State.traverse(str, length)
# Driver Code
str = "00111101"


// C# program of a DFA that accepts
// all string ending with "01"
using System;
// Class for automata
class State
    // Data members to store the input
    private Tuple<int, State> Pair1;
    private Tuple<int, State> Pair2;
    private char m_x;
    // Pointer to the state of automata
    public static State m_ptr;
    // Constructor to initialize state
    public State()
        Pair1 = new Tuple<int, State>(0, null);
        Pair2 = new Tuple<int, State>(0, null);
        m_x = ' ';
    // Initialise pair1 and pair2
    // with state x
    public void Initialize(Tuple<int, State> pair1,
        Tuple<int, State> pair2, char x)
        Pair1 = pair1;
        Pair2 = pair2;
        m_x = x;
    // Function to provide state
    // transition of automata
    public static void Transition(int input)
        if (m_ptr.Pair1.Item1 == input)
            m_ptr = m_ptr.Pair1.Item2;
            m_ptr = m_ptr.Pair2.Item2;
    // Passes a string through automata
    public static void Traverse(string str, int n)
        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
            int x = (int)Char.GetNumericValue(str[i]);
    // Checks if the last state
    // is final or not
    public static void Check()
        if (m_ptr.m_x == 'f')
            Console.WriteLine("String Accepted\n");
            Console.WriteLine("String Rejected\n");
class Program
    // Function to check if the given
    // is accepted in DFA or not
    static void IsAccepted(string str)
        // States of the automata
        State one = new State();
        State two = new State();
        State three = new State();
        // Transition table for required
        // automata
        one.Initialize(new Tuple<int, State>(0, two),
                       new Tuple<int, State>(1, one), 'i');
        two.Initialize(new Tuple<int, State>(0, two),
                       new Tuple<int, State>(1, three), 'i');
        three.Initialize(new Tuple<int, State>(0, two),
                         new Tuple<int, State>(1, one), 'f');
        int length = str.Length;
        State.m_ptr = one;
        // Function call
        State.Traverse(str, length);
    // Driver Code
    static void Main(string[] args)
        string str = "00111101";


class State {
  // Data members to store the input
  constructor() {
    this.Pair1 = [0, null];
    this.Pair2 = [0, null];
    this.m_x = ' ';
  // Pointer to the state of automata
  static m_ptr = null;
  // Initialise pair1 and pair2
  // with state x
  initialize(pair1, pair2, x) {
    this.Pair1 = pair1;
    this.Pair2 = pair2;
    this.m_x = x;
  // Passes a string through automata
  static transition(input) {
    if (State.m_ptr.Pair1[0] == input) {
      State.m_ptr = State.m_ptr.Pair1[1];
    } else {
      State.m_ptr = State.m_ptr.Pair2[1];
  static traverse(str, n) {
    for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) {
      let x = parseInt(str[i]) - parseInt('0');
  // Checks if the last state
  // is final or not
  static check() {
    if (State.m_ptr.m_x == 'f') {
      console.log("String Accepted\n");
    } else {
      console.log("String Rejected\n");
// Function to check if the given
// is accepted in DFA or not
function isAccepted(str) {
  // States of the automata
  let one = new State();
  let two = new State();
  let three = new State();
  // Transition table for required
  // automata
  one.initialize([0, two], [1, one], 'i');
  two.initialize([0, two], [1, three], 'i');
  three.initialize([0, two], [1, one], 'f');
  let length = str.length;
  State.m_ptr = one;
  // Function call
  State.traverse(str, length);
// Driver Code
let str = "00111101";


String Accepted

Time Complexity: O(N) Auxiliary Space: O(1)

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