Program to apply foreach() method on Java Set of characters in Scala

The method foreach() can be applied on Java set of characters in Scala by utilizing Scala’s JavaConversions object. Moreover, here we need to use JavaConversions object as foreach method is not there in Java language.
Now, lets see some examples and then discuss how it works in details.

// Program to apply foreach() method on 
// Java set of characters in Scala
// Importing Scala's JavaConversions object
import scala.collection.JavaConversions._
// Creating object
object GfG
    // Main method
    def main(args:Array[String])
        // Creating set of Char in Java
        val set = new java.util.HashSet[Char]()
        // Adding Characters to the set
        // Applying foreach method on 
        // the set and displaying
        // output



Therefore, every item of the set is printed when foreach method is applied to the stated set of Characters.

// Program to apply foreach() method on 
// Java set of characters in Scala
// Importing Scala's JavaConversions object
import scala.collection.JavaConversions._
// Creating object
object GfG
    // Main method
    def main(args:Array[String])
        // Creating set of Char in Java
        val set = new java.util.HashSet[Char]()
        // Adding Char to the set
        // Applying foreach method on 
        // the set and displaying
        // output



It is same as above example but here the elements are not stated in proper order but in Set it needs to be in proper order so the resultant output is in proper order.

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