Product Metrics in Software Engineering

In software engineering, product metrics are quantitative measures used to assess the characteristics of software products. These metrics help in evaluating various aspects such as quality, performance, maintainability, and complexity of the software. By providing objective data, product metrics enable developers and managers to make informed decisions about the software development process. Common product metrics include lines of code (LOC), cyclomatic complexity, depth of conditional nesting, and readability measures like the Fog Index.

Table of Content

  • What are Product Matrices?
  • Software Product Metrics
  • Conclusion

What are Product Matrices?

Product metrics are software product measures at any stage of their development, from requirements to established systems. Product metrics are related to software features only. Product metrics fall into two classes: 

  1. Dynamic metrics are collected by measurements made from a program in execution.
  2. Static metrics are collected by measurements made from system representations such as design, programs, or documentation.

Dynamic metrics help assess a program’s efficiency and reliability while static metrics help understand, understand, and maintain the complexity of a software system. Dynamic metrics are usually quite closely related to software quality attributes. It is relatively easy to measure the execution time required for particular tasks and to estimate the time required to start the system. These are directly related to the efficiency of the system failures and the type of failure can be logged and directly related to the reliability of the software. On the other hand, static matrices have an indirect relationship with quality attributes. A large number of these matrices have been proposed to try to derive and validate the relationship between complexity, understandability, and maintainability—several static metrics that have been used for assessing quality attributes.

Software Product Metrics

Some common product metrics are:

Common Product Metrics

  • Fan-in/Fan-out
  • Length of Code
  • Cyclomatic complexity
  • Length of Identifiers
  • Depth of conditional nesting
  • Fog index

1. Fan-in/Fan-out

Fan-in is a measure of the number of functions that call some other function (say X). Fan-out is the number of functions which are called by function X. A high value for fan-in means that X is tightly coupled to the rest of the design and changes to X will have extensive knock-on effects. A high value for fan-out suggests that the overall complexity of the control logic needed to coordinate the called components.

High Fan-in: Indicates that a module is widely reused, which might suggest it’s a critical piece of functionality. However, it can also mean that changes to this module can have wide-ranging impacts. High Fan-out: Indicates that a module depends on many others, which can make it complex and potentially more fragile, as it is affected by changes in all the modules it calls.

In simple word Fan-in measures how many other modules depend on a given module. whereas Fan-out measures how many other modules a given module depends on.

2. Length of Code

Length of code is measure of the size of a program. Generally, the large the size of the code of a program component, the more complex and error-prone that component is likely to be. Length of code can be measure in various ways. The most common metric is Lines of Code (LOC) .

Lines of Code( LOC) is a measure of of the number of lines in a program’s source code.

There are two types of Lines of Code (LOC)

  1. Physical LOC: Physical LOC counts all the lines in the source code file, including blank lines and comments.
  2. Logical LOC: Logical LOC counts only the lines that contain executable statements or declarations, excluding comments and blank lines.

Importance of Lines of Code (LOC)

Following are the importance of Lines of Code (LOC):

  • Estimate Effort and Cost: LOC can help estimate the effort and cost required for development, maintenance, and testing.
  • Measure Productivity: Comparing LOC written over a period can give a rough measure of productivity.
  • Understand Complexity: More lines of code can indicate more complexity, which might lead to more bugs and higher maintenance costs.

3. Cyclomatic complexity

The cyclomatic complexity of a code section is the quantitative measure of the number of linearly independent paths in it. It is a software metric used to indicate the complexity of a program. It is computed using the Control Flow Graph of the program. The nodes in the graph indicate the smallest group of commands of a program, and a directed edge in it connects the two nodes i.e. if the second command might immediately follow the first command.

Use of Cyclomatic Complexity

  • Determining the independent path executions thus proven to be very helpful for Developers and Testers.
  • It can make sure that every path has been tested at least once.
  • Thus help to focus more on uncovered paths.
  • Code coverage can be improved.
  • Risks associated with the program can be evaluated.
  • These metrics being used earlier in the program help in reducing the risks.

4. Length of Identifiers

Length of Identifiers is a measure of the average length of distinct identifier in a program. The longer the identifiers, the more understandable  the program. The length of identifiers metric helps in assessing the readability and maintainability of the code. Longer, descriptive names generally indicate better readability and understanding.

Importance of Length of Identifiers

Following are the importance of Length of Identifiers:

  • Readability: Descriptive identifiers make the code easier to read and understand, which is crucial for maintenance and debugging.
  • Maintainability: Well-named identifiers make it easier for future developers to understand the code without extensive documentation.
  • Consistency: Consistent use of appropriately long identifiers reflects good coding practices and improves overall code quality.

5. Depth of conditional nesting

Depth of Nesting Condition is a measure of the depth of nesting of if statements in a program. Deeply nested statements are hard to understand and are potentially error-prone. It indicates how many levels deep the nested conditional statements (such as if, else, while, for, etc.) go. This metric is important because deeply nested code can be difficult to read, understand, and maintain.

Example of Depth of Conditional Nesting

if condition1:

if condition2:

if condition3:

# Code block

Importance of Conditional Nesting

  • Readability: Deeply nested conditionals can make code hard to follow.
  • Maintainability: Complex nesting increases the likelihood of introducing errors during code changes.
  • Testing: More nested conditions can lead to an exponential increase in the number of test cases required to achieve thorough test coverage.
  • Refactoring: Indicates areas of code that might benefit from refactoring to improve simplicity and readability.

6. Fog index

Fog Index is a measure of the average length of words and sentences in documents. The higher the value for the Fog index, the more difficult the document may be to understand.

Formula of calculating Fog Index:

Fog Index = 0.4 × ( Number of Words / Number of Sentences + 100×Number of  Complex Words / Number of Words)


  • Number of Words: Total words in the text.
  • Number of Sentences: Total sentences in the text.
  • Number of Complex Words: Words with three or more syllables, not including proper nouns, familiar jargon, or compound words.

Importance of Fog Index

Following are the importance of Fog Index

  • Documentation: Ensuring that documentation is easy to read and understand is crucial for effective communication among developers, especially in large teams or open-source projects.
  • Code Comments: Readable comments help developers understand the code quickly, which is essential for maintenance and debugging.
  • User Manuals: For end-user documentation, a lower Fog Index ensures that the material is accessible to a broader audience.


Product metrics play a crucial role in software engineering by offering valuable insights into the code and overall software quality. They help identify potential issues early, guide improvements, and ensure that the software meets desired standards and performance criteria.

FAQ’s related to Product Metrics:

1. What are Product Metrics and Why are They Important?


Product metrics are quantitative measures that help businesses assess the performance, usage, and overall success of their products. These metrics are crucial because they provide insights into user behavior, product engagement, and areas for improvement. Common product metrics include Monthly Active Users (MAU), Net Promoter Score (NPS), churn rate, and customer lifetime value (CLV).

2. How Can I Track Product Metrics Effectively?


To track product metrics effectively, you should:

  1. Identify the key performance indicators (KPIs) relevant to your product goals.
  2. Use analytics tools like Google Analytics, Mixpanel, or Amplitude to gather data.
  3. Regularly review and analyze the data to understand trends and make data-driven decisions.
  4. Set benchmarks and targets to measure success over time.
  5. Continuously iterate on your product based on the insights gathered from these metrics.

3. What Are the Most Important Product Metrics for SaaS Companies?


For SaaS (Software as a Service) companies, the most important product metrics often include:

  1. Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR)
  2. Customer Churn Rate
  3. Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC)
  4. Customer Lifetime Value (CLV)
  5. Net Promoter Score (NPS)
  6. Daily Active Users (DAU) / Monthly Active Users (MAU)

These metrics help SaaS companies understand revenue stability, customer satisfaction, and growth potential.

4. How Do You Measure Customer Satisfaction Using Product Metrics?


Customer satisfaction can be measured using several product metrics, such as:

  1. Net Promoter Score (NPS): Measures customer loyalty and likelihood to recommend your product.
  2. Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT): Direct feedback from customers about their satisfaction with your product.
  3. Churn Rate: The percentage of customers who stop using your product, indicating potential dissatisfaction.
  4. Feature Usage Metrics: Insights into how customers are interacting with specific features, highlighting satisfaction or areas needing improvement.
  5. Support Ticket Trends: The number and nature of customer support tickets can indicate satisfaction levels.

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