Prodigy InfoTech Work Experience as Web Developer Intern


During my tenure as a web developer intern at Prodigy InfoTech, I had the privilege of immersing myself in a world of digital innovation and honing my skills in web development. I completed three impactful projects throughout my internship, including a responsive landing page, a dynamic To-do web application, and a user-friendly simple calculator. Here, I recount my transformative experiences and the valuable skills I acquired.


Four weeks

Instructions and Guidelines

  • To be eligible for the completion certificate, you must complete at least one Task assigned in your internship track. You may undertake additional tasks to enhance your learning and obtain a LoR.
  • You are required to maintain a GitHub repository for all the tasks assigned to you. The repository should be public and follow the convention: “PRODIGY_TrackCode_TaskNumber.”
  • After completing each Task, you must create a post on LinkedIn outlining the Task you have completed and the knowledge gained.
  • You may include a video in your post, but it will be optional.
  • The task submission form will be shared later, where you will have to submit the link to the GitHub repository & LinkedIn post.

LinkedIn Profile Improvement Task (Mandatory)

  • The assigned Task is designed to aid you in building your professional profile on LinkedIn and enhance your visibility to recruiters.
  • Post Your internship Offer Letter on your LinkedIn profile.
  • Go through these articles and follow them to improve your LinkedIn Profile. #1 #2 #3
  • Add “Intern at Prodigy InfoTech” in your profile headline & add “Prodigy InfoTech” as your current company in the work experience section.


Project 1: Responsive Landing Page

My journey began with creating a responsive landing page that seamlessly adapted to various devices and screen sizes. This project allowed me to delve into the intricacies of responsive design, leveraging technologies such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. By implementing fluid grids, flexible images, and media queries, I successfully optimized the user experience and ensured the page looked visually stunning on desktops, tablets, and smartphones. This project sharpened my skills in front-end development and taught me the importance of delivering exceptional user experiences across multiple platforms.

Project 2: To-do Web Application

I developed a dynamic to-do web application as I delved deeper into my internship. This project challenged me to incorporate interactive features, such as creating tasks, marking them as complete, and organizing them based on priority. This project enhanced my proficiency in front-end frameworks and data management, fostering my ability to create intuitive and efficient web applications.

Project 3: Simple Calculator

The final leg of my internship involved creating a user-friendly and functional simple calculator. This project enabled me to showcase my problem-solving abilities and attention to detail. Implementing JavaScript logic, I developed a calculator that could perform basic arithmetic operations and handle user inputs effectively. The project emphasized code organization, modularization, and clean coding practices, strengthening my understanding of software architecture and best practices in web development.


  • Completion Certificate
  • Letter of recommendation (if eligible)


My web development internship at Prodigy InfoTech provided an immersive and transformative experience that equipped me with a diverse skill set and a deeper understanding of the digital landscape. I honed my proficiency in front-end development, JavaScript logic, and user-centric design by completing projects like the responsive landing page, to-do web application, and simple calculator. Moreover, collaborating with experienced professionals and embracing emerging technologies further fuelled my passion for creating innovative and impactful digital experiences. I am excited to leverage my skills and knowledge to shape the digital future and contribute to the growth of organizations at the forefront of the industry.

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