Problems of Slums| Class 12 Geography Notes

The Problems of Slums is a subpart of the Class 12 Geography Chapter 9 which is Perspective on Selected Issues and Problems. It talks about the Problems of Slums in India and thoroughly discusses the causes of this problem. A slum and slum area is a densely populated urban area that happens due to poverty and is characterized by degraded living conditions. It is a really common problem in developing countries like India where poverty, insecurity of food, and malnutrition are at their peak.

In this article, we are going to discuss the Class 12 Geography Notes Chapter 9 Problems of Slums in detail.

What are the Slums?

The slums are the informal housing and densely populated areas that are unsafe and unhealthy. The slums and the slum areas are substandard housing which may caused by poverty. The slum areas do not have the basic facilities and amenities like water, toilets, electricity, and transport. These urban areas develop because these people do not have enough money to live in the attached city.

Problems of Slums

Slums are really common in developing countries like India. India holds the biggest slum area in Asia which is known as Dharavi. It is known as the largest slum in the world. Dharavi is known for recycling processes, small production of leather, pottery, and different types of textiles.

Let us discuss the Problems of Slums in India as mentioned below.


The slum problems in India happen due to the problem of overpopulation. It is a true fact that India has poor housing facilities and the country is behind in providing basic facilities to its citizens. In India, the housing facilities are really costly. Due to the rising problem of unemployment and poverty, the slum problems became more broad in nature in this country. Almost 7-10 people live together in a slum and do not have that much personal space to use.

Housing Problems In Slums

In India, the slums are generally made of poor-quality materials like low quality of tin, plastics, and wood. They do not have that much strong structure and can be damaged easily. Due to the lack of proper flooring, windows, and ventilation, it creates an unhygienic environment for the people.

Shortage In The Basic Facilities

Indian slums do not have basic facilities like the supply of drinking water, proper toilets, efficient drainage systems as well as electricity. These hurdles set an unhygienic environment for the people who are living there. Open defection is a big problem in these slum areas and the garbage collection process is really bad.

Lack Of Infrastructure

The slum areas are underdeveloped as they do not have proper infrastructure. They do not have social institutions like schools, hospitals, and different community centers. Due to this, the education rate is poor in the slum areas and the health of these people deteriorates day by day.

Characteristics of Slums

Here are some major characteristics of the slums and slum areas as mentioned below.

  • The slum areas are overcrowded in India and no place for the crowds to settle properly in these areas.
  • Poor structure of the houses may cause bad health issues and problems.
  • In slum areas, people do not get any basic facilities and for that, their life is low-graded in nature.
  • Due to the proper sanitation and drainage, the basic conditions of the slums are very bad.
  • Due to unemployment, poverty, and drug usage, the crime rates are too high in these areas.
  • They do not have any social facilities like schools, hospitals, or other centers.

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FAQs on Class 12 Geography Notes Chapter 9 Problems of Slums

What are slums Class 12 geography?

Slums are residential areas of the least choice, dilapidated houses, poor hygienic conditions, poor ventilation, lack of basic amenities like drinking water, light and toilet facilities, etc. Most of the slum population works in low paid, high risk- prone, unorganized sectors of the urban economy.

What are the major problems of slums?

Slums have the following problems: It lacks basic hygiene facilities and prone to unsanitary living conditions. Constant migration increases the population of slums further increases hygiene problem. Lack of basic needs and overcrowding.

What are the problems of slums and urban waste?

Some of the key problems associated with slums and urban waste disposal in India are: Overcrowding and poor living conditions: Slums in India are often characterized by overcrowding, poor sanitation, and inadequate access to basic services such as clean water, healthcare, and education.

What are the types of slum?

There are two types of slums: Notified slums and non-notified slums. Notified slum dwellers can usually afford to invest in education and skill training, while residents in non-notified slums are mostly unconnected to basic services and formal livelihood opportunities.

Which is the No 1 slum area in India?

Dharavi is a residential area in Mumbai, Maharashtra, India. It has often been considered to be one of the world’s largest slums. Dharavi has an area of just over 2.39 square kilometres (0.92 sq mi; 590 acres) and a population of about 1,000,000.

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