Practice Set On Blood Relation

The first relation that comes to one’s mind after hearing the word Blood Relation.
Mother – Right?
After that Father, Brother, and Sister 
Then starts a chain of relations with the mother’s family, father’s family, and so on.

Blood Relation is a frequently asked chapter in Bank, SSC, Railway, and other exams. It is known that one has many relations by virtue of birth and marriage. This concept is based on the relations in the family. A chain of relations will be given in the question and based on this information one will find out the relation between any two of the given members.
To crack the problems based on this chapter first thing, one must learn is the family tree and terminology of the various relations.
Let us go through all the concepts one by one and understand how to draw a family tree and how to symbolize a relationship between two individuals.

Blood Relation Practice Set

Points to Remember:

Generally, Questions are based on the seven generations (Three generations above and Three generations below). 
Some relations, one needs to know before moving to the problems-

1. Father of Grandfather or Grandmother – Great Grandfather
2. Mother of Grandfather or Grandmother – Great Grandmother
3. Father of Father or Mother -Grandfather
4. Mother of Father or Mother -Grandmother
5. Brother of Father – Paternal Uncle
6. Sister of Father – Paternal Aunt
7. Brother of Mother – Maternal Uncle
8. Sister of Mother – Maternal Aunt
9. Son of Father/Mother – Brother
10. Daughter of Father/Mother – Sister
11. Son/Daughter of Aunt/Uncle – Cousin
12. Son of Brother/Sister – Nephew
13. Daughter of Brother/Sister-Niece
14. Father of Wife/Husband – Father-in-law
15. Mother of Wife/Husband – Mother-in-law
16. Brother of Husband/Wife – Brother-in-law
17. Sister of Husband/Wife-  Sister-in-law
18. Husband of Daughter – Son-in-law
19. Wife of Brother/Brother-in-law – Sister-in-law
20. Husband of sister/sister-in-law –  Brother-in-law

Key Notes: 

Generally, one will see only Uncle/Aunt instead of Paternal/Maternal Aunt/Uncle.
Symbols to represent the relations in the family tree-

Female –      O (Circle) sign 
• Male –         ▢ (Square) sign
• Generation Gap –   (Straight Line)
• Husband & Wife Relation –   (Parallel Lines)
• Brother & Sister–  (Straight Line)

• If the term Paternal or Maternal is not specified in any question, then by default consider it Paternal.
• Do not assume the gender by the name until it is not specified.

There are three types of questions asked in almost every exam-

Type 1: Indicative Blood Relations:

This type is based on the indication of one person towards the other person. one can be shown pointing towards a picture of a person or directly towards a person.  
The pointer and the person in the picture will be connected with a chain of relations. The candidate will arrange this chain to deduce the relationship between the two persons asked in the question. (Mostly between the pointer and the person in the picture)

Common Sense:

If one is pointing toward a Picture, then one is pointing toward one’s picture as well as another’s. But if it is mentioned that one is pointing towards some other person then it can never be one’s picture.
Let’s understand with help of a question-


• Start with the word ‘my’ in the question to connect the chain of the relations.
• Correlate given relations with personal relations to understand the given relation chain in a better way in the initial stage of practice.

Type 2: Coded Blood Relations:

Usually, one will see this type of question in Bank exams but in past few years, it has been seen in SSC Exam as well. 

In this type, relations are given in the form of a code. A code can be a letter, symbol, or number. Generally, it is seen that code is a symbol like: !,@,#,$,%,^,&,*,?,~,<,>, etc.
 So, the process of getting an answer becomes tedious here because first, one has to decode the relations and then connect the chain of relations. In SSC Exam there only one or two questions can be seen but in Bank Exams a bunch of 5 questions can be seen. 


First, check that relation is asked in which of the two individuals. Then pick the first individual and start connecting the chain of the relations with the help of the family tree. (By this one can make this tedious process facile.)

Type 3: Puzzle-Based Blood Relations:

In this type, information will be given in a passage or bullet form. The candidate has to take this information to deduce the relations between the family members. 


Directions (1 to 5): Study the following data carefully and answer the given questions accordingly.
Q1. Pointing to a Monika, Babita said that ‘‘She is the only daughter of my father’s only daughter’’. How Babita is related to Monika?

(1) Mother                   (2) Brother                   (3) Son                   (4) Uncle

Answer: 1

Q2. Jyotish was standing in front of a photograph and said that ‘She is the daughter of my grandfather’s only son’. What is the relation of Jyotish with the girl in the Photograph?

(1) Mother-in-law               (2) Brother                   (3) Aunt                 (4) Sister

Answer: 2

Q3. A man is attending a family function. He pointed to an image in the scenery and tells his friend, ‘She is the daughter of the only son of my grandfather’s wife’. What is the relation of the girl to the man in the photograph? 

(1) Aunt                    (2) Mother                    (3) Daughter                    (4) Sister

Answer: 3

Q4. Vinita is pointing toward a photograph and said, ‘He is the son of my grandfather’. What is the relation of the boy with Vinita?

(1) Father                  (2) Father-in-law                  (3) Uncle                (4) Data inadequate

Answer: 4

Q5. Raman introduces Aman as the son of the only brother of his father’s wife. What is the relation of Aman with Raman?

(1) Uncle                (2) Grandfather                 (3) Grandson               (4) Cousin

Answer: 4

Directions (6 to 8): Study the following data carefully and answer the given questions accordingly.

S is the sister-in-law of V. P is the father of S and T, who is the father of M. V is the daughter-in-law of R.

Q6. How R is related to T?

(1) Grandmother             (2) Mother                    (3) Sister                   (4) Aunt

Answer: 2



Q7. Who among the following is a couple?

(1) S, M                    (2) M, R                    (3) V, M                   (4) T, V

Answer: 4



Q8. How P is related to V?

(1) Father-in-law            (2) Uncle             (3) Brother             (4) Father

Answer: 1



Directions (9 to 10): Study the following data carefully and answer the given questions accordingly.

K is the son-in-law of J, who is the brother of Q. Q is the mother of L, who is the mother of V.

Q9. How L is related to K?

(1) Wife                    (2) Sister                    (3) Daughter                   (4) Mother

Answer: 2



Q10. How many male members are there?

(1) 2                  (2) 4                    (3) 3                   (4) Can’t be determined

Answer: 4



Directions (11 to 12): Study the following data carefully and answer the given questions accordingly.

Q11. P and Q are the sisters of K. J are the mother of Q, who has a sister-in-law W. N is the grandson of R. How R is related to W?

(1) Aunt              (2) Uncle                (3) Father-in-law               (4) Mother

Answer: 3



Q12. L is the grandfather of O, who is the nephew of G. U is the son of M, who is married to L. V is the sister-in-law of G. How G is related to M?

(1) Daughter          (2) Mother             (3) Son           (4) Either Son or Daughter

Answer: 3



Directions (13 to 15): Study the following data carefully and answer the given questions accordingly.

R is the father of N, who is the uncle of G. U is the mother of G and does not have a sibling. W is the son of H.

Q13. How H is related to U?

(1) Mother-in-law              (2) Father                 (3) Mother             (4) Aunt

Answer: 1



Q14. How G is related to R?

(1) Grandson      (2) Granddaughter      (3) Daughter    (4) Can’t be determined

Answer: 4



Q15. Who among the following are siblings?

(1) N, W                    (2) R, H                    (3) W, U                   (4) N, H

Answer: 1



Directions (16 to 18): Study the following data carefully and answer the given questions accordingly.

1 * 2 means 1 is the mother of 2.
1 # 2 means 1 is the father of 2.
1 @ 2 means 1 is the brother of 2.
1 & 2 means 1 is the daughter of 2.
1 + 2 means 1 is the son of 2.
Q16. According to A + T @ P # W & G * E @ H, find the incorrect statement. 
(1) T is the uncle of W    (2) G is the mother of A     (3) W is the sister of H    (4) There are minimum four males                                                      

Answer: 2



Q17. According to V @ I & X # A + C * Y # D, how I is related to D?
 (1) Aunt                    (2) Mother                    (3) Sister                   (4) Cousin

Answer: 1



Q18. Which of the following proves that P and M are of opposite genders?
 (1) M & K + U # P         (2) U @ M # K & P        (3) K + M # U * P            (4) U & P # K @ M

Answer: 2



Directions (19 to 20): Study the following data carefully and answer the given questions accordingly.

3 % 4 means 4 is the brother of 3.

3 $ 4 means 4 is the father of 3.

3 * 4 means 4 is the mother of 3.

3 = 4 means 4 is the son of 3.

3 & 4 means 4 is the daughter of 3.

Q19. According to Q * J = T & N * S, how Q is related to S?
(1) Brother         (2) Sister          (3) Brother-in-law         (4) Can’t be determined

Answer: 4



Q20. According to W = P % N * J $ O, find the correct statement.
(1) W is the mother of P         (2) P is the grandson of J          (3) J and W is not a couple     (4) There is only one female  

Answer: 4



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