Practice Questions on Buddhism

Following we are presenting a List Of Unique Questions On Buddhism. In every exam of the Staff Selection Commission Combined Graduate Level, questions were asked about these topics. So it is important for all the candidates who are preparing for these exams. These topics may also help in State Commission’s Exams and Banking Exams. 

Que 1. What is meant by “Upasaka” in Buddhism?

(a) People who follow Buddhism while living in household life
(b) Entering the Buddhist Sangha
(c) Renounce home life
(d) Head of the Buddhist Sangha

Ans. (a) People who follow Buddhism while living in household life
Explanation – In Buddhism “Upasaka” means – people who follow Buddhism while living household life.

Que 2. At which of the following places was the first Buddhist council held?

(a) Saptaparni Cave (Rajgriha)
(b) Balukaram Vihar (Vaishali)
(c) Pataliputra
(d) Kundalvan (Kashmir)

Ans. (a) Saptaparni Cave (Rajgriha)
Explanation – The first Buddhist council was held in the Saptaparni cave (Rajgriha).

Que 3. At which of the following places was the Second Buddhist Council held?

(a) Saptaparni Cave (Rajgriha)
(b) Balukaram Vihar (Vaishali)
(c) Pataliputra
(d) Kundalvan (Kashmir)

Ans. (b) Balukaram Vihar (Vaishali)
Explanation – The second Buddhist council was held at Balukaram Vihara (Vaishali).

Que 4. At which of the following places was the Third Buddhist Council held?

(a) Saptaparni Cave (Rajgriha)
(b) Balukaram Vihar (Vaishali)
(c) Pataliputra
(d) Kundalvan (Kashmir)

Ans. (c) Pataliputra
Explanation – The second Buddhist council was held at Pataliputra.

Que 5. At which of the following places was the Fourth Buddhist Council held?

(a) Saptaparni Cave (Rajgriha)
(b) Balukaram Vihar (Vaishali)
(c) Pataliputra
(d) Kundalvan (Kashmir)

Ans. (d) Kundalvan (Kashmir)
Explanation – Fourth Buddhist council was held in Kundalavan (Kashmir).

Que 6. Under whose chairmanship was the first Buddhist council organized?

(a) Maha Kasyapa
(b) Sabakami
(c) Moggaliputtatissa
(d) Vasumitra

Ans. (a) Maha Kasyapa
Explanation – The first Buddhist council was held under the chairmanship of Maha Kasyapa.

Que 7. Under whose chairmanship the Second Buddhist Council was organized?

(a) Maha Kasyapa
(b) Sabakami
(c) Moggaliputtatissa
(d) Vasumitra

Ans. (b) Sabakami
Explanation – The Second Buddhist Council was held under the chairmanship of Sabakami.

Que 8. Under whose chairmanship was the Third Buddhist Council organized?

(a) Maha Kasyapa
(b) Sabakami
(c) Moggaliputtatissa
(d) Vasumitra

Ans. (c) Moggaliputtatissa
Explanation – The third Buddhist council was organized under the chairmanship of Moggaliputtatissa.

Que 9. Under whose chairmanship the Fourth Buddhist Council was organized?

(a) Maha Kasyapa
(b) Sabakami
(c) Moggaliputtatissa
(d) Vasumitra

Ans. (d) Vasumitra
Explanation – The fourth Buddhist council was organized under the chairmanship of Vasumitra.

Que 10. During the reign of which of the following rulers was the first Buddhist council held?

(a) Ajatashatru
(b) Kalashoka
(c) Ashoka
(d) Kanishk

Ans. (a) Ajatashatru
Explanation – The first Buddhist council was organized during the reign of Ashoka.

Que 11. During the reign of which of the following rulers was the second Buddhist council organized?

(a) Ajatashatru
(b) Kalashoka
(c) Ashoka
(d) Kanishk

Ans. (b) Kalashoka
Explanation – The Second Buddhist Council was held during the reign of Kalashoka.

Que 12. During the reign of which of the following rulers was the Third Buddhist Council held?

(a) Ajatashatru
(b) Kalashoka
(c) Ashoka
(d) Kanishk

Ans. (c) Ashoka
Explanation – The third Buddhist council was organized during the reign of Ashoka.

Que 13. During the reign of which of the following rulers was the fourth Buddhist council organized?

(a) Ajatashatru
(b) Kalashoka
(c) Ashoka
(d) Kanishka

Ans. (d) Kanishka
Explanation – Fourth Buddhist council was organized during the reign of Kanishka.

Que 14. In which of the following year was the first Buddhist council held?

(a) 483 BC
(b) 283 BC
(c) 247 BC
(d) 102 AD

Ans. (a) 483 BC
Explanation – The first Buddhist council was held in 483 BC.

Que 15. In which of the following year was the Second Buddhist Council held?

(a) 483 BC
(b) 283 BC
(c) 247 BC
(d) 102 AD

Ans. (b) 283 BC
Explanation – The Second Buddhist Council was held in 283 BC.

Que 16. In which of the following year was the Third Buddhist Council held?

(a) 483 BC
(b) 283 BC
(c) 247 BC
(d) 102 AD

Ans. (c) 247 BC
Explanation – The Third Buddhist Council was held in 247 BC.

Que 17. In which of the following year was the Fourth Buddhist Council held?

(a) 483 BC
(b) 283 BC
(c) 247 BC
(d) 102 AD

Ans. (d) 102 AD
Explanation – Fourth Buddhist Council was held in 102 AD.

Que 18. In which of the following Buddhist councils was the Sutta Pitaka composed?

(a) First Buddhist Council
(b) Second Buddhist Council
(c) Third Buddhist Council
(d) Fourth Buddhist Council

Ans. (a) First Buddhist council
Explanation – The Sutta Pitaka was composed in the first Buddhist council. It was composed by Anand.

Que 19. Vinaya Pitaka was composed in which of the following Buddhist councils?

(a) First Buddhist Council
(b) Second Buddhist Council
(c) Third Buddhist Council
(d) Fourth Buddhist Council

Ans. (a) First Buddhist council
Explanation – Vinayapitaka was composed in the first Buddhist council. It was composed by Upali.

Que 20. In which of the following Buddhist councils was the Abhidhammapitaka composed?

(a) First Buddhist Council
(b) Second Buddhist Council
(c) Third Buddhist Council
(d) Fourth Buddhist Council

Ans. (c) Third Buddhist Council
Explanation – The Abhidhammapitaka was composed in the Third Buddhist Council. It was composed by Moggaliputta Tissa.

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