Power BI – Create a Table

Tables are a way to represent data in the form of rows and columns. By default, the Power BI desktop creates a table itself, whenever data is dragged under the visualizations section. But, here will learn how to create the table manually, if not created by Power BI, we will also look at some aggregate functions in the tables. 

Creating a Table in Power BI 

We are given a dataset, and we want to drag two columns in the Columns section. For example, Date and high columns. 

On the right side of the Power BI Desktop, we can see the required columns to add to the report i.e. Date and High


Drag and drop the Date, and High columns into the Columns section. As the Date column has DateTime datatype it is automatically divided into its subparts by Power-BI which are Year, Quarter, Month, and Day. Also, the column High, will display the sum of High values for each Date


Under the Visualizations section, click on the Table icon, to add a table for these columns. 


A table is created. We can notice that 4 different columns are created for Date, and High shows the Sum as the default aggregate function used. 


Now, you might wonder if we want a High value, as the average, for all the required dates. Under the Columns section, click on the down arrow. A drop-down list appears. Click on the required aggregate function. For example, Average. 


We can also customize the Date column, by simply removing the Month and Day. Now, only Quarter and Year will be shown in the table. 


We can see in the below image, only the Year and Quarter are left. 


The below image shows, the table, which contains three columns, Year, Quarter, and Average of High. 


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