PostgreSQL – Difference between CHAR, VARCHAR and TEXT

Now that we are familiar with the concept of character data types CHAR, VARCHAR, and TEXT respectively in PostgreSQL, this article will focus on highlighting the key difference between them. 

What is CHAR data type? 
This data type is used to store characters of limited length. It is represented as char(n) or character(n) in PostgreSQL, where n represents the limit of the length of the characters. If n is not specified it defaults to char(1) or character(1). 

What is VARCHAR data type? 
This data type is used to store characters of limited length. It is represented as varchar(n) in PostgreSQL, where n represents the limit of the length of the characters. If n is not specified it defaults to varchar which has unlimited length. 

What is TEXT data type? 
This data type is used to store characters of unlimited length. It is represented as text in PostgreSQL. The performance of the varchar (without n) and text are the same. 

The below table provides with the major difference between CHAR, VARCHAR, and TEXT: 

Representation char(n) or character(n) varchar(n) text
Length of characters Limited Limited Unlimited
Spaces and padding Gets truncated Gets truncated Remains intact
If n not specified n = 1 n = infinity Concept of n doesn’t exist
Query cycle Extra cycle to check length Extra cycle to check length No evaluation of character length


Let’s create a new table(say, character_tests) for the demonstration using the below commands:  

CREATE TABLE character_tests (
    id serial PRIMARY KEY,
    x CHAR (1),
    y VARCHAR (10),
    z TEXT

Now let’s insert a new row into the char_test table using the below command:  

INSERT INTO character_tests (x, y, z)
        'This is a test for varchar',
        'This is a very long text for the PostgreSQL text column'

At this stage PostgreSQL will raise an error as the data type of the x column is char(1) and we tried to insert a string with three characters into this column as shown below:  

ERROR:  value too long for type character(1)

So, now let’s fix it.  

INSERT INTO character_tests (x, y, z)
        'This is a test for varchar',
        'This is a very long text for the PostgreSQL text column'

Now, we will get the same error for the y column as the number of characters entered is greater than 10 as shown below:  

ERROR:  value too long for type character(10)

Let’s fix it too.  

INSERT INTO character_tests (x, y, z)
        'This is a very long text for the PostgreSQL text column'

Now that we have managed to successfully assign the values to the character data type, check it by running the below command: 

SELECT * FROM character_tests;



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