PostgreSQL – AGE Function

In PostgreSQL the age() function is used to calculate ages.

Syntax: age(timestamp, timestamp);

Let’s analyze the above syntax:

  • The age() function accepts two TIMESTAMP values
  • It subtracts the second argument from the first one and returns an interval as a result.

Example 1:

Here we will evaluate the age of a person whose birth date is 2000-01-01 and the current date 2020-03-20, through the below statement:

SELECT current_date, 
       AGE(timestamp '2000-01-01');


Example 2:

The below statement query to get the top 10 rentals that have the longest durations, from the rental table of the sample database:

SELECT rental_id,
             rental_date) AS duration
FROM rental
WHERE return_date IS NOT NULL
ORDER BY  duration DESC 


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