Post a picture automatically on Instagram using Python

Prerequisites: Python Programming Language
Instagram is a photo and video-sharing social networking service owned by Facebook, Python provides powerful tools for interacting with Instagram. In this article, we will come to know how we can post a picture automatically on the Instagram account just by writing a few lines of Python code.
Step 1: 
Install ‘instabot‘ package using the below command in the terminal. 

pip install instabot

Step 2: 
Import class ‘Bot‘ from ‘instabot‘ package. 


from instabot import Bot

Step 3: 
Create a variable let’s say ‘bot’ and store the class ‘Bot’ in it. 


bot = Bot()

Step 4: 
Login to your instagram account using the below command. Provide your Instagram ‘username’ and ‘password’. 


bot.login(username = "******",
          password = "ppppppp")

Step 5: 
Upload your photo using the following command. 


bot.upload_photo("provide the path to the picture here",
           caption = "provide the caption that you \
           want to display on the post here")

Below is the full program to upload the photo on Instagram. The below program uploads a picture of “Technical Scripter 2019”.


from instabot import Bot
bot = Bot()
bot.login(username = "user_name",
          password = "user_password")
# Recommended to put the photo
# you want to upload in the same
# directory where this Python code
# is located else you will have
# to provide full path for the photo
                 caption ="Technical Scripter Event 2019")

Below is the screen shot of the post at Instagram of the above photo. 


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