PortSpider – Advance Network Port scanner on Kali Linux

PortSpider is a free and open-source tool available on GitHub. PortSpider is an Open Source Intelligence and network scanning Tool based on (OSINT). This tool can scan huge network ranges to find open and closed ports and all the vulnerable services running on the server or on the system, not only scans a single target system but can target a big number range of IP addresses. It is very helpful for auditing the network of companies and organizations they used to scan the whole range of their private IP addresses.

Modules of PortSpider :

  • Ssh module Scan for open SSH ports of systems.
  • Printer module Scan for open printer ports and websites.
  • Game server module Scan for open game server ports.
  • manual module Scan custom ports.
  • HTTP module Scan for open HTTP ports and get the titles.
  • MySQL module Scan for open MySQL servers, and try to log in with the default credentials.
  • MongoDB module Scan for open MongoDB instances and check if they are password protected.


Step 1: Open your Kali Linux operating system and using the following command download the tool from GitHub. After downloading the tool move to the directory and install all the requirements using the following command

git clone https://github.com/xdavidhu/portSpider.git
cd portSpider/
python3 -m install -r requirements.txt

Step 2: The tool has been downloaded to your Kali Linux operating system now run the tool using the following command.

python3 portSpider.py

The tool has been downloaded and running successfully. Now we will see some examples.

Example: Use the PortSpider tool to use MySQL module and scan the IP range.

use mysql

The tool has started scanning using mysql module. This is how you can also perform scanning in your IP range using port spider.

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