Politics of Social Divisions

In the system of democracy, competition is involved among the various political parties. The competition among the parties tends to divide any society and they start competing in terms of social divisions already existing in society. This may lead to the turning of social divisions into political divisions, ultimately leading to conflict, violence, or even the disintegration of society. This has already happened in many countries.

Politics of Social Divisions

Politics of Social Divisions

Politics and social divisions are extremely hazardous and explosive when combined. Competition between political parties is a part of democracy. If they start competing on the basis of existing social divisions, it can turn those divisions into political divisions, resulting in conflict, violence, and even country dissolution. 

Social Division Affects Politics

Given below are two examples of two different countries to show how social divisions come to affect politics:

North Ireland

The divide between the two largest Christian groups in Northern Ireland, 53 percent Protestants and 44 percent Roman Catholics, took the form of politics. Nationalist parties represented the Catholics, who desired that Northern Ireland be reunited with the Republic of Ireland, which is overwhelmingly Catholic. Unionists who wished to stay in the primarily Protestant United Kingdom represented the Protestants. Later on, it took a more severe form, resulting in the deaths of hundreds of individuals. 

It was only in the year 1998, that the UK government as well as the Nationalists reached out for a peace treaty after which the struggle of armed forces was suspended.


Political struggle along religious and ethnic lines in Yugoslavia resulted in the country’s breakup into six sovereign republics. At the same time, not every manifestation of socioeconomic differences in politics results in such catastrophes. However, it has an impact on voting in most countries, particularly India.

Such examples convince people that politics and social divisions shouldn’t be mixed and social divisions should never be expressed in politics. Social divisions affect the voting in most counties and one community tends to prefer some party over others. However, it is not necessary that this would always result in the disintegration of the country.

Three Determinants

Three factors are critical in determining the result of social division politics:

  • The outcome is determined by how people view their own identities. It becomes very tough to address if people see their identities in singular and exclusive terms. For example, people of India identify themselves as Indians as well as belonging to a certain state or a language group, or a social or religious community.
  • It all depends on how political leaders elevate community needs. It is easier to meet demands that are constitutionally permissible and do not jeopardize the welfare of another group. It is easier to accommodate demands within the constitutional framework and is not at the disadvantage of another community.
  • It depends on how the government responds to different groups’ requests. Attempts at forced integration often lead to the seeds of disintegration.

The political manifestation of socioeconomic divides is extremely common and can be healthy in a democracy. This allows socioeconomically disadvantaged and marginalized people to air their grievances and have them addressed by the government and ultimately strengthening democracy.

There is competition between political parties in politics. This competition could lead to political splits if these political parties utilize it to reinforce some societal divisions. This can result in conflict, violence, or even a country’s dissolution. Religious divisions in Northern Ireland, for example, have resulted in ethnopolitical strife. 


Social divisions can take the form of unacceptable levels of social unjust and inequality. The struggle against these inequalities can at times lead to a path of violence and defiance of the state power. However, democracy is considered to be the best way to fight for recognition as well as accommodate diversity.

FAQs on Politics of Social Division

Question 1: What are the politics of social division?


Democracy as a system involves competition among the various political parties and divides society and turns them into political divisions which leads to conflict and violence. The outcome usually depends on how people themselves perceive their identities.

Question 2: What is social division?


Social division refers to the divisions in society associated with particular social groupings, in terms of advantages, disadvantages, inequalities, and also differences.

Question 3: What is the meaning of political division?


Political division refers to the unit of government which is created by and under the authority of a higher level of government. If the center divides into different states and districts, they are the political sub-divisions.

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