
Pneumonia is a respiratory infection, caused by bacteria, viruses, or fungi. Due to the infection, one or both lungs can get infected. The infection results in inflammation in the alveoli (these are called air sacs of the lungs). Due to the inflammation, pus or fluid is filled in the alveoli which leads to difficulty breathing.

What is Pneumonia?

It is a respiratory infection caused because of bacteria, viruses, and fungi. Our lungs get affected because of Pneumonia, lungs get inflamed which causes the accumulation of fluid in our lungs. One or both of the lungs can be affected, if both lungs are affected it is known as Double Pneumonia.

Causes of Pneumonia

Pneumonia occurs when the infection occurred because of bacteria, viruses, or fungi in the air sacs, i.e, alveoli of the lungs. To eliminate the infection, our immune system attacks the infection, because of which the membrane of the lungs swells and leads to secrete fluids.

Bacteria are the most common causative agent that leads to pneumonia in adults, and viruses are the main causative agent in children. 


It is the most frequent and common causative agent of bacterial pneumonia (Streptococcus pneumoniae). This pneumonia occurs on its own if you are suffering from a cold or flu. It can affect one lobe of the structure, this condition is known as lobar pneumonia.


These are the causative agent for those are having weaker immune systems. Fungi are the causative agent of pneumonia found in soil, and they vary with the geographical region as well.


Viruses that cause the common cold and flu, can also cause pneumonia. Viruses are the most common cause of pneumonia in infants (younger children). It can be treatable at home, but in some cases, conditions situation can get critical. 

Some are the common disease that can leads to pneumonia are:

  • Common cold
  • Flu (Influenza Virus)
  • COVID-19
  • Respiratory syncytial virus
  • Pneumococcal disease
  • Legionnaires disease

Symptoms of Pneumonia


Symptoms of pneumonia vary. It can be mild or severe depending on the causing factor, age of an individual, and health of the individual.

Mild Symptoms: Pneumonia symptoms show similarities with the cold and flu symptoms only difference is that’s symptoms of pneumonia last more time than the cold and flu.

Symptoms of Bacterial Pneumonia

  • Sharp chest pain during breathing.
  • Cough with pus (yellow, green, or bloody)
  • Fever, Chills 
  • Sweating
  • Shortness of breath
  • Vomiting, Nausea (vomiting especially in infants)
  • Diarrhea
  • Fatigue
  • Confusion in the older person
  • Loss of appetite, low energy
  • The rate of breathing increased
  • Skin getting bluish, lips or nails.

Symptoms of Viral Pneumonia

Most of the symptoms are similar and caused by bacteria, some different symptoms which are occurred due to viral pneumonia are:

  • Dry cough
  • Head-ache
  • Body-ache
  • Extreme Fatigue

Symptoms in Infants

Infants show different symptoms instead of showing the normal symptoms of pneumonia.

  • Cough
  • Rapid breathing
  • Loss of appetite
  • Vomiting
  • Restlessness
  • Fever, discomfort, flushed skin.
  • Usually more crying.

Symptoms in Old People

As people aged, their immune systems weakened with time. They are more prone to the disease than normal people because of that. Mild symptoms are cold and cough, but with time condition, gets worse. The following are the symptoms in old people:

  • Low Appetite
  • Change in Mental State
  • Tiredness


Even when the person taking the treatment for pneumonia, experiences some other complications as well:

  1. Bacteremia: During pneumonia, the infection may be spread into the bloodstream and infect the blood as well, this condition is known as Bacteremia. Because these patients suffer from low blood pressure, and sepsis, the rate of heart attack also increased.
  2. Lung Abscesses: Due to inflammation, pus is accumulated in the cavities of the lungs. This can be treated with antibiotics. In some severe cases, pus removes via surgery.
  3. Impaired Breathing: A person suffering from pneumonia can also suffer to get proper oxygen, which makes it hard to breathe. The patient may need external support (ventilator).
  4. Pleural Effusion: If pneumonia is not treated well, the pus accumulates in the pleura of the lungs, which causes pleura effusion.
  5. Worsened Chronic Diseases: The patient has a preexisting history of chronic disease. Pneumonia makes it worse. 
  6. Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome: This occurred when the pus accumulates in the lungs, which causes respiratory failure. Because of pus, the lungs do not get enough oxygen during the inspiration process.

Risk Factors

Anyone can be prone to pneumonia, but still, there are some groups of people who are at high risk of being infected with pneumonia. 

  • Age group (0-2yr.): Infants and younger children are at high risk 
  • Old Age (65-above): Old age people are at high risk of getting pneumonia, because of age immune systems get weakened.
  • People with weaker immune systems:
  • Patient already having any chronic medical condition:
    • Asthma
    • Cystic Fibrosis
    • Diabetes
    • Sickle Cell Disease
    • Heart Attack
  • A person has a prior neurological disorder that directly affects swallowing and coughing activity. Such disorders are:
    • Head Injury
    • Parkinson’s 
    • Dementia
    • Stroke
  • People used to smoke
  • People who lived in metro cities, they exposed daily to lung irritants and are at high risk.

Diagnosis of Pneumonia

Normally, pneumonia is diagnosed by a combination of physical signs and health history. With a stethoscope, the doctor listens to find out any abnormal sounds. A doctor can also do some other tests to see the severity of the patient.


With the help of the X-ray, the doctor can see the inflammation in the lungs. With the help of an X-ray, the doctor can see the exact location and severity.

Blood Culture

Culturing of blood help in confirming the infection.

CT Scan

It provides a clear picture of inflated lungs.



Pneumonia is treated depending on:

  • On the basis of the infecting agent i.e., pneumonia is caused by bacteria, viruses, or fungus. 
  • The severity of the patient

Prescription Medications

  • The doctor prescribed medicine on the basis of causing agent. Prescriptions vary from person to person depending on the causative agent and severity of the patient. Oral antibiotics prescribe in bacterial pneumonia cases. 
  • In viral pneumonia cases, antibiotics are not the most effective. In such cases, doctors prescribe antiviral. In some cases, viral pneumonia is treated at home with home remedies.
  • In the Fungal pneumonia case, the doctor gives antifungal medicine.
  • Doctors can also prescribe some OTC medicine to overcome the pain and fever.

Home Remedies

Home remedies are not that effective, though they might help a lot in decreasing the severity of the symptoms. 

  • Drinking warm water or a bowl of soup help with chills.
  • Drinking sufficient water or fluids.
  • Gargling with salt water help with the cough.



Pneumonia can be prevented by taking all the following precautions:

  • Quitting smoking
  • Washing your hands properly with soap for at least 20 seconds
  • During the sneezing and coughing, cover your mouth.
  • Do all the daily activities which help to develop a strong immune system.
  • Getting vaccinated for pneumonia. In the market there are vaccines are present that help to develop immunity against pneumonia.

Can pneumonia go away on its own?

Pneumonia can be caused by different causative agents, those are bacteria, viruses, and fungi. Pneumonia caused by the virus goes away on its own. But you should consult with the healthcare provider to avoid complications and risks.

Please Note: These measures and Symptoms may vary and are just to provide educational information about the disease and are not standard practices. We advise you to consult a healthcare professional, before trying anything at home.

FAQs on Pneumonia

Question 1: What is the main cause of pneumonia?


Major pneumonia is caused by bacteria. Pneumonia is also caused by viruses and fungi. Those bacteria, viruses, and fungi affect the lungs and can cause pneumonia.

Question 2: Is pneumonia contagious?


Bacteria, viruses, and fungi are the cause of pneumonia. Pneumonia is not contagious but the bacteria and viruses which cause pneumonia are contagious.

Question 3: What is pneumonia?


It is a respiratory infection that damaged the lungs of a person, caused by bacteria, viruses, or fungi.

Question 4: How long does COVID-19 pneumonia last?


The pneumonia recovery time period is not defined. Recovery depends upon the patient’s health, age, and severity of the case.

Question 5: How is pneumonia spread?


Air droplets from the infected person have the bacteria and viruses which cause pneumonia. These droplets are present in the air which can breathe by healthier people and get infected with the infection. 

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