Plot Probability Distribution Function in R

The PDF is the acronym for Probability Distribution Function and CDF is the acronym for Cumulative Distribution Function. In general, there are many probability distribution functions in R in this article we are going to focus on the Normal Distribution among them to plot PDF. 

To calculate the Normal Distribution Function we have the built-in function dnorm() and to calculate the CDF we have ecdf() in R programming Language.


PDF: dnorm(x,mean,sd)

CDF: ecdf(x)


  • x – the data vector
  • mean – mean of the data to calculated or can be assigned to a value
  • sd – standard deviation of the data to be calculated or can be assigned to a value

Using plot() function to plot PDF

In this, we will use dnom() function to calculate the normal distribution based on the mean and standard deviation of the data.


# Generating sequence of
# numbers from -15 to +10
# calculate the Normal distribution function
# based on the mean and sd of data
pdf<- dnorm(x,mean(x),sd(x))
# Plotting the PDF(Normal Distribution Function



Using plotpdf() function to plot PDF

The plotpdf() is a function which is present in gbutils package. 

# install gbutils package

This package is specifically developed to simulate Quantile plots in R Programming. plotpdf() function used to plot PDF on Y-axis and  the quantiles of the distribution on X- axis.

Syntax: plotpdf(pdf, qdf, lq, uq)


  • pdf – Probability Distribution Function to be plotted is specified here
  • qdf – The quantile function to be used is specified here
  • lq  – lower quantile need to be used in computation
  • uq  – upper quantile need to be used in computation


# Load the installed package
# Generating sequence of numbers from -50 to +10
# Calculate the Normal distribution
# function based on the mean and sd of data
pdf<- dnorm(x,mean(x),sd(x))
# Calculate the Quantile distribution
# function based on the mean and sd of data
qdf <- function(x) qnorm(x, mean(x), sd(x))
# Plotting the PDF Normal Distribution Function



Using plot() function to plot CDF

In this, we will use ecdf() function to calculate the cumulative distribution based on the mean and standard deviation of the data. 


# Generating sequence of
# numbers from -15 to +10
# calculate the Cumulative distribution
# function based on the mean and sd of data
# Plotting the CDF
plot(cdf,xlabel="x",ylabel="y",main="CDF Graph")



Using plotpdf() function to plot the CDF

The plotpdf() is a function which is present in gbutils package. This package is specifically developed to simulate Quantile plots in R Programming. plotpdf() function used to plot CDF.

Syntax: plotpdf(pdf, qdf, lq, uq)


  •   cdf – Cumulative Density to be plotted is specified here
  • qdf –  The quantile function to be used is specified here
  • lq – lower quantile need to be used in computation
  • uq – upper quantile need to be used in computation


# install and load the gbutils package
# Calculating the CDF Normal Distribution Function
cdf1 <- function(x)pnorm(x, mean = -2.5, sd = 7.64)
# Plotting the CDF Normal Distribution Function
gbutils::plotpdf(cdf1, cdf = cdf1,main='CDF Plot')



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