Plot a Point or a Line on an Image with Matplotlib

Prerequisites: Matplotlib

Matplotlib and its constituents support a lot of functionality. One such functionality is that we can draw a line or a point on an image using Matplotlib in python.


  • Import modules
  • Read the image
  • Plot the line or point on the image
  • Display the plot/image.

Image Used:

Implementation using the above approach on the given image is provided below:

Example 1 : Drawing a point on the image.

Attribute used: marker

It is used to define what marker type should the point be displayed in.


from matplotlib import image
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
# to read the image stored in the working directory
data = image.imread('sunset-1404452-640x480.jpg')
# to draw a point on co-ordinate (200,300)
plt.plot(200, 350, marker='v', color="white")


Example 2 : Draw a line on the image

To draw a line we will give the co-ordinates of two points in the plot function.

Attribute used: linewidth

Used to specify the width of the line.


from matplotlib import image
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
# to read the image stored in the working directory
data = image.imread('sunset-1404452-640x480.jpg')
# to draw a line from (200,300) to (500,100)
x = [200, 500]
y = [300, 100]
plt.plot(x, y, color="white", linewidth=3)


Example 3 : Draw two intersecting lines crossing each other to make X.


from matplotlib import image
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
# to read the image stored in the working directory
data = image.imread('sunset-1404452-640x480.jpg')
# to draw first line from (100,400) to (500,100)
# to draw second line from (150,100) to (450,400)
x1 = [100, 500]
y1 = [400, 100]
x2 = [150, 450]
y2 = [100, 400]
plt.plot(x1, y1, x2, y2, color="white", linewidth=3)

Output : 

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