PL/SQL | User Input

Prerequisite – PL/SQL Introduction
In PL/SQL, user can be prompted to input a value using & character. & can be used to prompt input for different data types. Consider, following table:

Table: GFG

id author likes
1 sam 10
2 maria 30
3 ria 40

Following queries will create a new table named GFG in the database.

SQL> create table GFG (id number(4), author varchar2(50), 
                                          likes number(4)) 
Table created.
SQL> insert into GFG values(1, 'sam', 10);
1 row created.
SQL> insert into GFG values(2, 'maria', 30);
1 row created.
SQL> insert into GFG values(3, 'ria', 40);
1 row created. 
SQL> select * from GFG;

id author likes
1 sam 10
2 maria 30
3 ria 40

1. Numeric value –
& is used to input numeric values from the user.



Example-1: Consider, the table GFG. Let us select a record with a given id. (Here, id is a numeric value)

SQL> select * from GFG where id=&id;
Enter value for id: 2
old 1: select * from GFG where id=&id
new 1: select * from GFG where id=2 

id author likes
2 maria 30

Example-2: Let us update a record with a given id. (Here, id is a numeric value)

SQL> update GFG set likes=50 where id=&id;
Enter value for id: 1
old 1: update GFG set likes=50 where id=&id
new 1: update GFG set likes=50 where id=1
1 row updated. 
SQL> select * from GFG; 

id author likes
1 sam 50
2 maria 30
3 ria 40

2. Text Value –
& can also be used to input text values from the user.



Example-1: Consider, the table GFG. Let us select a record with a given author. (Here, author is a text value)

SQL> select * from GFG where author='&author';
Enter value for author: maria
old 1: select * from GFG where author='&author'
new 1: select * from GFG where author='maria' 

id author likes
2 maria 30

Example-2: Let us update a record with a given author. (Here, author is a text value)

SQL> update GFG set likes=10 where author='&author';
Enter value for author: sam
old 1: update GFG set likes=10 where author='&author'
new 1: update GFG set likes=10 where author='sam' 
1 row updated. 
SQL> select * from GFG; 

id author likes
1 sam 10
2 maria 30
3 ria 40

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