Pixel Addressing and Object Geometry in Computer Graphics

In computer graphics, pixel addressing is the process of determining the address of a pixel in an image. Object geometry is the study of the shape and size of objects in an image. In this article, we will discuss both topics in detail, with examples to illustrate each concept.

Pixel addressing is used to determine the location of a particular pixel in an image. The address can be represented in two ways: by its coordinates (x,y) or by its index (i). The coordinate system is used when referring to the position of a pixel on an image, while the index system is used when working with pixels in memory.

The first step in pixel addressing is to identify the origin point. The origin can be either the top-left or bottom-left corner of the image. Once the origin has been identified, the x-coordinate represents how far horizontally from the origin point a given pixel lies, while the y-coordinate represents how far vertically from the origin point a given pixel lies. For example, consider an 8×8 image with its origin at the top-left corner:

The x-coordinates range from 0 to 7 (inclusive), while the y-coordinates range from 0 to 7 (inclusive). Thus, we can say that the top-leftmost pixel has coordinates (0,0), while the bottom-rightmost pixel has coordinates (7,7).

The index system is used when working with pixels in memory.

Key Terms:

Pixel addressing is a process of determining the address or coordinates of a pixel in an image. This can be done by using the row and column values of the pixel, or by using the x and y coordinates.

Object geometry is the study of the shape, size, and position of objects in space. This can be done by using mathematical models, such as points, lines, and planes.

To understand pixel addressing and object geometry in computer graphics, it is first necessary to have a firm grasp of the concept of a raster. A raster is a rectangular array of cells, with each cell having a unique address. This addressing scheme is used to represent two-dimensional images such as bitmaps.

Each cell in a raster contains a certain amount of information, typically represented as an 8-bit value. This value can be used to store the intensity of the color at that location, or it can be used to store other information such as transparency or depth.

The way that pixels are addressed can have a significant impact on the way that objects are drawn on the screen. For example, if pixels are addressed in row-major order, then objects will tend to be drawn from left to right and top to bottom. On the other hand, if pixels are addressed in column-major order, then objects will tend to be drawn from top to bottom and left to right.

There are several different ways to address pixels in a raster, but the most common methods are linear addressing and coordinate indexing. Linear addressing is simply a matter of assigning each pixel a consecutive address starting from 0. Coordinate indexing involves assigning each pixel an (x,y) coordinate pair that corresponds to its position within the raster.

Once the pixels have been addressed, the next step is to determine how those pixels will be used to draw objects on the screen.


There are many potential applications for the concepts of pixel addressing and object geometry in computer graphics. For example, these concepts can be used to create more realistic images or animations, to improve the efficiency of image processing algorithms, or to develop new methods for manipulating and interactively viewing digital images. Additionally, by understanding how pixel addressing and object geometry work together, computer graphics designers can create more intuitive and user-friendly interfaces for their products.


One advantage of pixel addressing and object geometry in computer graphics is that they can help create more realistic images. By understanding how pixels are addressed and how objects are positioned in relation to each other, computer graphic designers can create images that more accurately reflect the real world.

Another advantage of pixel addressing and object geometry is that it can help improve the performance of computer graphics applications. By understanding how pixels are addressed and how objects are positioned in relation to each other, computer graphic designers can create algorithms that better utilize the resources of the system, resulting in faster rendering times and smoother animations.

Finally, pixel addressing and object geometry can also help create more user-friendly interfaces. By understanding how pixels are addressed and how objects are positioned in relation to each other, computer graphic designers can create interfaces that are easier to use and navigate.


Computer graphics uses pixels for representation. Pixels are part of a grid that is mapped to the monitor, which can display images on the screen. This mapping is called pixel addressing and is mostly used due to its low-cost, high-quality resolution.

Pixel addressing has a few disadvantages. One of them is that it offers no intrinsic geometric properties at the pixel level which is important in some applications. For example, when computing with pixels one cannot easily determine the slope or area of an object in an image without computing across many pixels and knowing the size of each pixel.

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