PHP strrchr Function

The strrchr() function is a built-in function in PHP. This function takes two arguments a string and a character. This function searches the given character in the given string and returns the portion of string starting from the last occurrence of the given character in that string.


strrchr($string, $key)

Parameters: This function accepts two parameters. Both of the parameters are mandatory and are described below:

  • $string: This is the input string in which we want to search the given key.
  • $key: This parameter represents a character to be searched in the given string $string. If this parameter contains more than one character then only the first character of this parameter will be searched in $string.

Return Value: This function returns the portion of $string starting from the last occurrence of the given $key in that string.


Input : $string = "Hello|welcome|to|gfg"  $key = '|'
Output : |gfg

Input :  $string = "Welcome\nto\ngfg"  $key = '\n'
Output : gfg

Below programs illustrate the strrchr() function in PHP:

Program 1:

// Input string
$string = "Hello|welcome|to|gfg";
// key to be searched
$key = "|";
echo strrchr($string, $key);



Program 2: When $key contains escape sequence.

// Input string
$string = "Hello\nwelcome\nto\ngfg";
// key to be searched
$key = "\n";
echo strrchr($string, $key);



Program 3: When $key contains more than one character.

// Input string
$string = "Hello|welcome|to|gfg";
// key to be searched
$key = "|welcome";
echo strrchr($string, $key);




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