PHP | ReflectionFunction __toString() Function

The ReflectionFunction::__toString() function is an inbuilt function in PHP which is used to return the string representation of the specified function.

string ReflectionFunction::__toString( void )

Parameters: This function does not accept any parameters.
Return Value: This function returns the string representation of the specified function.
Below programs illustrate the ReflectionFunction::__toString() function in PHP:
Program 1: 


// Initializing a user-defined function
function Company($Company_Name, $Role)
    return sprintf("%s %s\r\n", $Company_Name, $Role);
// Using ReflectionFunction() over the specified
// function company
$function = new ReflectionFunction('company');
// Calling the __toString() function
$A = $function->__toString();
// Getting the string representation of the
// above specified function
echo $A;


Function [ <user> function Company ] {
  @@ /home/a39c30763ecfc7f257d02e44de746b22.php 4 - 7

  - Parameters [2] {
    Parameter #0 [ <required> $Company_Name ]
    Parameter #1 [ <required> $Role ]


Program 2: 


// Initializing some user-defined functions
function Trial1($First_Args, $Second_Args)
    return sprintf("%s %s\r\n", $First_Args, $Second_Args);
function Trial2($First_Args, $Second_Args)
    return sprintf("%s %s\r\n", $First_Args, $Second_Args);
// Using ReflectionFunction() over the above
// specified functions
$function = new ReflectionFunction('Trial1');
$function = new ReflectionFunction('Trial2');
// Calling the __toString() function and
// Getting string representation of the
// above specified function
echo $function->__toString();
echo $function->__toString();


Function [ <user> function Trial2 ] {
  @@ /home/09f598906ca0bfcad4613b5dea41c27b.php 9 - 12

  - Parameters [2] {
    Parameter #0 [ <required> $First_Args ]
    Parameter #1 [ <required> $Second_Args ]
Function [ <user> function Trial2 ] {
  @@ /home/09f598906ca0bfcad4613b5dea41c27b.php 9 - 12

  - Parameters [2] {
    Parameter #0 [ <required> $First_Args ]
    Parameter #1 [ <required> $Second_Args ]



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