PHP | ReflectionClass getTraitNames() Function

The ReflectionClass::getTraitNames() function is an inbuilt function in PHP which is used to return an array of name of traits used by the user-defined class.


array ReflectionClass::getTraitNames( void )

Parameters: This function does not accept any parameters.

Return Value: This function returns an array of name of traits used by the user-defined class.

Below programs illustrate the ReflectionClass::getTraitNames() function in PHP:

Program 1:

// Defining a trait class
trait Company {
    public function w3wiki() {
// Defining a user-defined class Department
class Department{
    use Company {
// Using ReflectionClass over the
// user-defined class Department
$obj=new ReflectionClass('Department');
// Calling the getTraitNames() function
$A = $obj->getTraitNames();
// Getting an array of names the traits


array(1) {
  string(7) "Company"

Program 2:

// Defining a user-defined class Department
class Department{
// Using ReflectionClass over the
// user-defined class Department
$obj=new ReflectionClass('Department');
// Calling the getTraitNames() function and
// getting an array of name of the traits


array(0) {


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