PHP | Predefined classes and Interfaces

There are classes and interfaces that can be either user defined or pre-defines in PHP language. 

There are 9 predefined classes and interfaces in PHP:

  • Traversable
  • Iterator 
  • IteratorAggregate
  • Throwtable
  • ArrayAccess
  • Serializable
  • Closure
  • Generator

Traversable: There are no methods in the Traversable interface and acts only as a base for other predefined Traversable classes. By using foreach construct and this interface, it is easily detectable whether the class is traversable.

Iterator: This is a predefined interface for objects or external iterators that are capable of internally iterating themselves. This interface extends the interface Traversable. The five methods in this interface are:

Method name parameters return value description
current void mixed The present value is returned.
key void scalar The present value’s key is returned.
next void void Moving forward to the next element.
rewind void void

Set the position of the file pointer to the beginning of the file.

valid void bool Check whether an array contains more entries or not.

IteratorAggregate: This interface is an extension of Traversable interface and has one method.

method name parameters return type description
getIterator void traversable This function is used for retrieving an iterator(external).


This feature is available in PHP version 7. All objects that are thrown through the throw statement has an interface which acts as base interface called Throwtable. Exception and Error classes use this interface.

Method name number of arguments name of arguments return type description
getMessage 0 void string

Returns the message to be displayed when exception occurs.

getPrevious  0 void throwtable Previous exceptions are returned.
getCode  0 void mixed The code for exception generated.
getFile 0 void string The file in which exception occurs is returned.
getLine  0 void int The line number in which exception occurs returned.
getTrace 0 void array The stack trace is returned.
getTraceAsString 0 void string The stack trace is returned in the form of string.
__toString 0 void string The exception generated is returned in the form of string.

ArrayAccess: This interface allows objects to be accessed as an arrays. It has 4 methods:

method name parameters returns description
offsetExists offset value(mixed) bool Checks existence of the offset.
offsetGet offset value(mixed) mixed The offset is retrieved through this method.
offsetSet offset value(mixed), element(mixed) void A mentioned offset is given some value.
offsetUnset offset value(mixed) void The value of offset is unset.

Serializable: This class allows serialization in a customized fashion. If serialization of an instance is needed then the method serialize() is called. If it is written in the code inside some method there are no alterations or side effects to the program. There are two methods in this interface:

method name parameters return description
serialize void string Object is converted into string.
unserialize serialized string (string) void The object that was converted into string is converted back to an object.

Closure: There are some functions called anonymous function in PHP that have no name. The callback parameters are assigned the value as anonymous function. There are 5 methods:

method name parameters returns description
__construct void void A constructor disallowing instantiation

object (closure)

newthis (object)closure

closure A closure can be duplicated by the class scope and mentioned particular bound object.
bindTo newthis (object)closure closure A closure can be duplicated by the class scope and new bound object.
 call newthis (object)closure mixed The closure is binded and called.
fromCallable  Callable (Callable ) closure The callable is converted into closure.

Generator: This interface is extension of Iterator and has 9 methods:

method name parameters returns descitption
current  void  mixed  The yielded element can be found.
getReturn  void  mixed  The generator’s value is returned by the function.
key  void  mixed  The key which was yielded is returned.
 next  void   void  The generator’s execution is resumed.
 rewind  void   void  The iterator is rewinded.
 send  value(mixed)  mixed  A value is sent to the generator.
 throw  exception(throwtable)  mixed  An exception is thrown into the generator.
 valid  void  bool Verifies if there was a closing of the iterator.
 __wakeup  void  void  Callback is serialized.


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