PHP lcfirst() Function

The lcfirst() function is a built-in function in PHP which takes a string as an argument and returns the string with the first character in Lower Case and all other characters remain unchanged.



Parameter: The function accepts only one parameter $string which is mandatory. This parameter represents the input string whose first character will be changed to lowercase.

Return Value: The function returns the same string only by changing the first character to lower case of the passed argument $string.


Input : "Beginner for Beginner"
Output : Beginner for Beginner

Input : "chetna agarwal"
Output : chetna agarwal

Below programs illustrate the lcfirst() function in PHP:

Program 1:

    // PHP program to demonstrates the 
    // use of lcfirst() function 
    $str = "Beginner for Beginner";
    // converts the first character to 
    // lower case and prints the string


Beginner for Beginner

Program 2: The program below demonstrates the use of lcfirst() function when the starting character is already in lower-case.

    // PHP program that demonstrates the 
    // use of lcfirst() function when 
    // the first case is already in lowercase
    $str = "chetna agarwal";
    // already the first character is in lower case 
    // so prints the same string only


chetna agarwal


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