PHP | Imagick oilPaintImage() Function

The Imagick::oilPaintImage() function is an inbuilt function in PHP which is used to simulates an oil painting. This function applies a special effect filter that simulates an oil painting. This function replaces each pixel by the most frequent color occurring in a circular region defined by radius.


bool Imagick::oilPaintImage( $radius )

Parameters: This function accepts a single parameter $radius. It is used to set the radius of the circular neighborhood.

Return Value: This function returns True on success.

Below program illustrates the Imagick::oilPaintImage() function in PHP:


// Create an Imagick object
$imagick = new Imagick(
// Use oilPaintImage function
header("Content-Type: image/jpg");
// Display the output image
echo $imagick->getImageBlob();



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