PHP | GmagickPixel __construct() Function

The GmagickPixel::__construct() function is an inbuilt function in PHP which is used to construct an GmagickPixel object. If a color is specified, the object is constructed and then initialized with that color before being returned.


GmagickPixel GmagickPixel::__construct( string $color )

Parameters: This function accepts a single parameter $color which is optional and holds the color.

Return Value: This function returns GmagickPixel object on success.

Exceptions: This function throws GmagickPixelException on error.

Below given programs illustrate the GmagickPixel::__construct() function in PHP:

Program 1 (Without color parameter):

// Create a new GmagickPixel
// object using __construct
$gmagickPixel = new GmagickPixel();
// Get the color
$color = $gmagickPixel->getcolor();
echo $color;


rgb(0, 0, 0)

Program 2 (With color parameter):

// Create a new GmagickPixel object
// using __construct
$gmagickPixel = new GmagickPixel('#ccb062');
// Get the color
$color = $gmagickPixel->getcolor();
echo $color;


rgb(52428, 45232, 25186)


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