PHP | Gmagick despeckleimage() Function

The Gmagick::despeckleimage() function is an inbuilt function in PHP which is used to reduce the speckle noise in an image while preserving the edges of the original image.


Gmagick Gmagick::despeckleimage( void )

Parameters: This function doesn’t accept any parameter.

Return Value: This function returns a Gmagick object on success.

Exceptions: This function throws GmagickException on error.

Used Image: To capture the canvas area.

Below given programs illustrate the Gmagick::despeckleimage() function in PHP:

Program 1:

// Create a new Gmagick object
$gmagick = new Gmagick('w3wikignoised.png');
// Apply the despeckle function
$gmagicknew = $gmagick->despeckleimage();
// Output the image
header('Content-type: image/png');
echo $gmagicknew;


Program 2:

// Create a new Gmagick object
$gmagick = new Gmagick('./w3wikinoised.png');
// Get the image histogram
$pixels = $gmagick->getimagehistogram();
echo "Color of 100th pixel before removing noise: ";
echo $pixels[99]->getcolor();
// Apply the despeckle function
$gmagicknew = $gmagick->despeckleimage();
// Get the image histogram
$pixels = $gmagick->getimagehistogram();
echo "<br>Color of 100th pixel after removing noise: ";
echo $pixels[99]->getcolor();


Color of 100th pixel before removing noise: rgb(0, 6682, 8995)
Color of 100th pixel after removing noise: rgb(3084, 5397, 7967)


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