php | chdir() Function

The chdir() function in PHP used to change PHP’s current directory to new directory path. It takes only a single argument as new directory path.

Syntax :

bool chdir(string $new_directory_path)

Parameters Used : This function accepts only one parameter and which is mandatory to be passed.

  • $new_directory_path : This parameter represents the new directory path (i.e. destination path).

Return Value : It returns a boolean operator as return value, but actually changes the current directory as desired.

Examples :

Input : CWD: /home/
Output : CWD: /home/gfg
Explanation : Current working directory(CWD)
was changed from '/home/' to '/home/gfg'.

Input : CWD: /home/Documents/
Output : CWD: /home/Documents/foldergfg/inside_folder_gfg

Explanation : Current working directory (CWD)
was changed from '/home/Documents/' to '/home/

Errors and Exceptions :
This function returns TRUE on success and FALSE on failure. So, it gives an error / E_WARNING on failure. Generally, failure conditions occur when the destination directory path is not valid.

Applicable versions :
This function is applicable in PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7.

Program 1:

// To get current working directory
echo getcwd() . "<br>";
// Change directory function
// To get current working directory
echo getcwd();

Output :


Initially current working directory was ‘/var/www/html’. After applying chdir() function, current working directory changed to ‘/var/www/html/testing_gfg’ directory. Similarly, chdir() function can be used to change directory.
Program 2:

// To get current working directory
echo getcwd() . "<br>";
// Change directory function
// To get current working directory
echo getcwd();

Output :


References :

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