Phonepe Interview Experience 2021

Technical Round 1: This round is based on DSA. 3 questions were asked.

  • Given an array, check whether it is possible to get two numbers from the array with sum k.(the easy-this question is asked just for comforting purposes)
  • Given a problem on graph
  • This was a hard problem, I discussed my approach.
    (Hint is given by interviewer- Two Stack+segment tree…………..lmao!! ded)

Technical Round 2: This round is also based on DSA. 3 questions were asked.

    (IMP- Question is easy but you should be clear about each and everything that will give you an edge [Believe me])
  • Convert string a to string b. You can do the following operations on string a,
    1) replace a character (basically a[i]=b[j],something like this)
    2) insertion of any element
    3) delete any element
    Output: Minimum number of moves to convert string a to string b.
  • Interviewer was quite impressed by my problem-solving skills and how I approach any problem.
    So for the last question, she said to implement this question which was easier than the previous one.
    Given a string s, output all valid IP addresses we can make out of it.
    (My approach: Backtracking)
    (Tip: Your way of writing code and approaching problems matters a lot. Be clean and clear with your code. Don’t hurry, take your time and then answer)

HR round: This round is somewhat scary. (Be prepared)

  • Firstly, the interviewer introduced himself and talked about his work, and asked me if I have any questions.
  • Then I introduced myself and also answered how I landed up being in Computer Science.
  • Then some general questions about me and college.
  • Now comes the interesting part, Brief about the projects You have done.
  • Then he said lets, deep-dive, into the projects and asked me so many questions which require a great understanding of the projects. So don’t fake anything, answer everything wisely, and be prepared.
  • After a great discussion on projects, he checked my core knowledge of OOPs by giving some questions on output(nice questions actually ), and covered almost all concepts of OOPs.
  • At last, he asked me if I have any questions.

Pro Tip: Be Genuine and Calm.

Verdict: Selected

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