Persistent Systems Interview Experience (Martian Program)

It was campus hiring and The recruitment process is slightly changed at that time when I applied in 2022.

Firstly a Martian program exam was conducted and whoever passed in that Martian program examination become a Martian and then after becoming a Martian a training of 1 month gets started which contains learning of different important subjects like :

  • Computer Networks
  • DBMS
  • Data Structure and Algorithms
  • Operating System
  • Programming Languages

Every subject’s learning duration is one week. And those learning modules contain several videos from YouTube. Frankly, no one pays attention to it. but still, it was important.

Assessment Exam: After the completion of all subject learning (a month). An Exam is conducted again in which students need to give an assessment based on these subjects learned.

There are 40 questions, 10 for each subject, and the time duration to do those questions is 40 minutes. Then 2 programming questions are there which need to be done in 60 minutes. I did both the programming question in less than 30 minutes as they were easy.

The first Programming question is based on Array duplicacy and another is on Bit manipulation.

The exam is over and I got selected for the Next process and that is the interview.

Interview Experience: First I joined and Interviewer asked for my resume, I uploaded it. Then he asked about giving an introduction of myself and as I scripted my introduction very well so he was impressed from that.

  • Then he asked Difference between C and C++.
  • Data Structure
    • Data structures Definition
    • Its types and What is an array and its explanation, What is a linked list?
  • DBMS
    • DBMS and its types
    • which DBMS have you used?
    • can you write a query to create a table and insert a record in it? Then I have written a query for creating a table and inserting a record into a table.
    • Then he asked about the creating views on that table.
  • SDLC
    • After writing a query on his notepad he started asking SDLC
    • SDLC and its methodologies. I told about all the methodologies and more forced on Agile (as I know it well) and explained it.
  • Operating System
    • Then came to OS what is the Operating System which Operating System I have used yet and Why it is better than any other?
  • Computer Networks
    • OSI model explanation why TCP/IP is considered better and its layers name only
  • Programming question
    • Then he asked me for making a program of my choice and what language I wanna use.
    • I said sir tell me a question I will make whatever you want in any language from C/C++/Java.
    • He gave me a question about reversing a number and I made it within 2 minutes.

And he was impressed.

And from this Interview, I understood that he is only checking my confidence and please don’t be overconfident otherwise he will start asking very difficult questions that you can’t afford to answer.

Technical Round 2 : 

Then after two weeks they have mailed me for Technical 2 round.

And it was a 20 minutes round in which Interviewer appeared in meeting 3 minutes late.

He started with my introduction .

Given me programming questions : 

1. Write a program if input is n=5 then output will be the string of “544333222211111” 

I done this within 6 minutes and then he is impressed from my typing speed.

2. Write a program if input is [ {a+b} or {} or }{ ]  so I have to identify that is this expressions are valid or not.

I implemented this using stack and he was very much impressed from me still there is a problem in the code that he identified and told me about it that what is still a problem in the code then I debug it and solved it.

He said ok that was nice and I am going to leave this meeting Thank You! and he leaved the meeting.

Most probably it was for Higher package results are not yet announced!! All the best guys, acche se padho.

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