Persistent Systems Interview Experience For Software Developer


  • I brushed up on my Java fundamentals (OOP concepts, data structures, algorithms).
  • Practised coding problems on platforms like LeetCode or HackerRank.
  • Researched Persistent’s work culture and areas of expertise.
  • Prepared common interview questions like “Tell me about yourself” and “Why Persistent?”.

Interview Rounds:

Telephonic Screening (30 minutes):

  • The HR representative contacted me to discuss my resume and experience.
  • They asked basic questions about my educational background, programming languages I’m proficient in, and areas of interest within software development.
  • We also discussed my salary expectations and availability for further rounds.

Technical Round 1 (60 minutes):

A senior developer conducted this round online. It began with a brief introduction and then delved into technical questions:

  • OOP concepts: Inheritance, polymorphism, encapsulation, and their applications in real-world scenarios.
  • Data structures: Questions about arrays, linked lists, stacks, and queues, including their time and space complexities for common operations.
  • Algorithms: Explaining sorting algorithms (e.g., Merge Sort, Quick Sort) and their complexities.
  • Live coding challenge: I was presented with a problem (e.g., reversing a string, finding the factorial of a number) and asked to write code on a collaborative platform. We discussed the code’s efficiency and possible improvements.
  • Projects: Explained my past projects, focusing on technical challenges faced and solutions implemented.

Technical Round 2 (45 minutes):

This round involved a more senior developer and a technical lead. It focused on in-depth technical discussions and problem-solving:

  • Scenario-based questions: We discussed a real-world software development scenario and how I would approach it from a design and implementation perspective.
  • Advanced Java topics: Questions on multithreading, concurrency, and Java Collections Framework usage.
  • Technical questions based on my resume: We discussed specific technologies mentioned on my resume and my experience with them.

HR Round (30 minutes):

  • This round was conducted by the HR representative who did the initial screening.
  • It focused on understanding my work style, cultural fit, and salary expectations.
  • Discussed career goals and potential growth opportunities at Persistent.
  • Asked questions about my knowledge of Persistent’s work culture and why I’m interested in the company.

Overall Experience:

  • The interview process at Persistent was well-structured and professional.
  • The interviewers were friendly and encouraging, providing opportunities to showcase my skills and knowledge.
  • The questions were a good mix of theoretical concepts and practical problem-solving.

Tips for Others Interviewing at Persistent:

  1. Strong Java fundamentals are crucial.
  2. Practice coding challenges and be prepared to explain your thought process.
  3. Show your passion for software development and your desire to learn.
  4. Research Persistent’s work and be prepared to discuss your fit within their company culture.

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