Difference between PCOS and PCOD

PCOD and PCOS are not the same conditions both PCOS and PCOD are female conditions, both are related to the ovaries, and both PCOS and PCOD cause hormonal disbalance. Still, both are very different from each other. Both these starts affecting the female during their reproductive age.

World wide 10% of women are suffering from PCOD and 0.2-2.5% of women are suffering from PCOS. Both PCOS and PCOD are very common disorders in females still, till date, there is no proper medication and treatment.

What is PCOD?

PCOD stands for Polycystic Ovarian Disorder, also known as Stein-Leventhal Syndrome. PCOD is a disorder in which a large no. of immature eggs starting ovulate. This immature egg over a long period of time starts becoming cysts. Because of this ovary’s size increases, and the cyst starts secreting androgen known as a male hormone. High levels of androgen start causing acne, hair growth, and skin patching. PCOD symptoms can be regulated by maintaining health-lifestyle, daily exercise, and having a balanced diet.

What is PCOS?

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) is a condition that arises in females during their reproductive age. It is a metabolic disorder in which hormonal disbalance occurred during reproductive ages. Due to the increased level of androgen, the frequency of ovulation was affected. This causes an irregular menstrual cycle, and also makes it difficult to get pregnant

Some common symptoms that affect ovulation are:

  • Irregular menstrual cycle
  • Cysts formation over ovaries
  • High level of androgen

Causes of PCOD and PCOS

  • Unhealthy eating habit
  • Inactive Lifestyle
  • Taking OTC Medicine
  • Medication that does hormonal disbalance 
  • Pollution

Common Symptoms of PCOS and PCOD

In some cases, symptoms are seen at an early age (1st period), and in some cases, symptoms show very late. Some of the common symptoms of PCOD and PCOS are:

  • Irregular menstrual cycle
  • Cysts formation over ovaries
  • High level of androgen
  • Skipping periods
  • Hair loss
  • Excessive hair growth
  • Obesity
  • Heavy Menstrual Bleeding
  • Acne
  • Skin Darkening

Complications of PCOS and PCOD

Certain complications women face when she is suffering from PCOD and PCOS. 

  • Uterine Bleeding
  • Type-2 Diabetes
  • Infertility in the case of PCOS
  • Depression
  • Metabolic Disorder 
  • Sleep apnea
  • Endometrial Cancer
  • Miscarriage

Difference between PCOS and PCOD


Most of the time women get confused between PCOD and PCOS either they are the same or different disorders. Both are related to the female reproductive organ – the ovary. Hormonal disbalance occurred in both cases. Both show many similarities still they both show some differences as well, those are:

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome

Polycystic Ovarian Disease

PCOS is a severe disorder. Almost 0.2-2.5 % of females are affected by PCOS. PCOD is an ordinary disorder, and almost 10% of women are affected by this.
It is a metabolic disorder, in which the frequency of ovulation decreased. After some time ovary stop releasing eggs. In PCOD ovary released immature eggs.
Women became infertile because of PCOS. Due to PCOS ovulation frequency decreases.  PCOD doesn’t make women infertile. Females having PCOD still became pregnant, with a little treatment.
It shows serious complications like diabetes, High BP, and Heart disease. PCOD doesn’t show serious complications and can be treated with medicine.
PCOS symptoms start at an early age.  Its symptoms are hardly noticeable and symptoms are uncommon.
Its symptoms can’t be cured properly. With a balance of healthy lifestyle and daily exercise symptoms severity can be decreased. With a properly balanced diet and healthy lifestyle, symptoms of PCODS can be cured.
Women suffering from PCOS see severe other complications, such as infertility.  Females who are suffering from PCOD encounter mild to moderate symptoms. 

Diagnosis of PCOS and PCOD

The doctor during observation do the physical exam, ask about your medical history, and also run some blood test to confirm it. During PCOS the male hormone level increase in the body. The doctor does the following exam: 

  • Pelvic Examination: The doctor runs some physical tests by examining your vagina and pelvic area.
  • Blood Test: The doctor runs some blood tests to check the levels of certain hormones, lipids, and insulin levels to confirm their diagnosis.
  • Imaging Test: The doctor does an ultrasound to get a clear picture of the ovaries.

What is the Best Treatment for PCOD and PCOS?

Till now, no specific medication is present in the market. Doctors try to reduce the severity of the symptoms. 

  • Maintaining the healthy lifestyle
  • Exercise
  • Regulate the menstrual cycle with medications prescribed by a doctor
  • Overcoming infertility by taking medicines
  • Skin treatment for acne and dark patches

Please Note: These measures and Symptoms may vary and are just to provide educational information about the disease and are not standard practices. We advise you to consult a healthcare professional, before trying anything at home.

FAQs on the Difference between PCOS and PCOD

Question 1: How to cure PCOD Problems Permanently?


There is no proper treatment for PCOD. Maintaining a proper healthy lifestyle, and daily exercise, reduce the severity of symptoms.

Question 2: Can women get Pregnant when they have PCOS?


You can get pregnant, by taking medicine that helps you ovulate, by maintaining your body weight, and by controlling your lipid and sugar levels.

Question 3: Can you have weight gain in PCOD/PCOS?


Insulin resistance is one of the main causes of PCOS/PCOD. Because of insulin resistance blood glucose level increase. It directly triggers weight gain. Symptoms also make it impossible to lose weight.

Question 4: How does PCOS affect fertility?


PCOS is caused because of the high level of androgen in the body which directly affects ovulation and leads to infertility.

Question 5: Can IVF help a woman with PCOS get pregnant?


Yes, female which are suffering from PCOS get pregnant with the help of IVF, and also they have to change their lifestyle.

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