Paytm Interview Experience for DevOps Engineer | On-Campus 2022

Hello Everyone,

I am honoured to share my Interview Experience of Paytm (Noida) . Company came for (CSE, IT, EC/EE branches). Criteria for the company was of 70% in 10th, 12th and Min. 7 CGPA in  B.Tech. There were total 4 Rounds, Coding Round followed by 2 Technical and 1 HR Interview Round.

Round 1(Coding Round – CoCubes):  The duration of the Coding Round was 70 minutes. It comprised of 3 coding questions which were related to Arrays, Linked List and Trees as follows:

Every Student got different set of Questions .Language allowed were (C, C++, Java, Python).I was able to solve all the three questions correctly .Total of 55 students were shortlisted for the next round.

Round 2(Technical Interview 1 –  45 mins):  The Interviewer asked me to Introduce myself while he was going through my resume. Further , he asked me about my projects (I was also asked to show the project) ,he also asked what challenges I went through while building those projects. The other questions that were asked are as follows:

Verdict: Selected

2nd Technical Round was scheduled after 1.5 hours.

Round 3-4(Technical Round 2 + HR Round – 45 minutes): The Interviewer  moved to coding questions directly. The questions are as follows:

Verdict: Selected

A total of 21 students were selected from our college (9 for DevOps). ?


  • Try to explain the approach to the interviewer while solving problems.
  • Do not add anything in your Resume about which you are not aware of.
  • Be Confident .

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