Passing Strings By Reference in Java

In Java, variables of primitive data types, such as int, char, float, etc., are passed by value, meaning that a copy of the variable’s value is passed to a method or function. However, when it comes to passing objects, including Strings, the concept of passing by reference versus passing by value can be confusing. In this blog post, we will explore the concept of passing Strings by reference in Java, and provide a clear understanding of how it works.

Passing by Reference vs Passing by Value

Before diving into the details of passing Strings by reference in Java, let’s first understand the basic concepts of passing by reference and passing by value.

Passing by Value

When a variable of a primitive data type is passed as an argument to a method or function, a copy of the variable’s value is passed. Any changes made to the parameter within the method or function have no effect on the original variable outside the method or function.

Passing by Reference

When an object, including Strings, is passed as an argument to a method or function, the reference to the memory location of the object is passed, rather than a copy of the object itself. This means that any changes made to the object within the method or function are reflected in the original object outside the method or function.

Understanding String as an Object in Java

In Java, unlike primitive data types, String is not a primitive data type but rather an object. String objects are instances of the String class, which is a part of the Java standard library. This means that when you create a String variable, you are actually creating an object that represents a sequence of characters.

Now, let’s see how passing Strings by reference works in Java:


Consider the following example:


class GFG {
    public static void main(String[] args){
        String str = "Hello";
        System.out.println("Before calling modifyString() method: " + str);
        System.out.println("After calling modifyString() method: " + str);
    public static void modifyString(String s) {
        s += " World!";
        System.out.println("Inside modifyString() method: " + s);


Before calling modifyString() method: Hello
Inside modifyString() method: Hello World!
After calling modifyString() method: Hello


In the above example, we have a main() method that creates a String variable str with the value “Hello”. We then pass this String variable to the modifyString() method. Inside the modifyString() method, we concatenate ” World!” to the original String using the += operator, and print the modified String. However, when we print the value of str again in the main() method after calling the modifyString() method, we see that the original String “Hello” remains unchanged.

This is because, in Java, Strings are immutable, meaning that their values cannot be changed after they are created. When we pass a String to a method or function, a new String object is created with the same value, and any changes made to the parameter within the method or function have no effect on the original String object outside the method or function. In other words, although we passed the String by reference, the reference itself is passed by value, and the original String object remains unchanged.

Workaround to Pass String by “Reference” in Java

If you really need to modify the original String object inside a method or function, there is a workaround you can use. Instead of using the += operator, which creates a new String object, you can use the StringBuilder or StringBuffer class, which are mutable classes in Java, to modify the original String object. Here’s an example:


class GFG {
    public static void main (String[] args) {
       StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("Hello");
       System.out.println("Before calling modifyString() method: " + sb.toString());
       System.out.println("After calling modifyString() method: " + sb.toString());
   public static void modifyString(StringBuilder sb) {
       sb.append(" World!");
       System.out.println("Inside modifyString() method: " + sb.toString());


Before calling modifyString() method: Hello
Inside modifyString() method: Hello World!
After calling modifyString() method: Hello World!


In this example, we replaced the String parameter with a StringBuilder object in both the main() method and the modifyString() method. StringBuilder is a mutable class in Java, so when we modify the StringBuilder object inside the modifyString() method by calling the append() method, it directly modifies the original object. As a result, the change is reflected in the StringBuilder object outside the method, and the final output shows the modified String “Hello World!”.


In Java, String objects are passed by reference, meaning that the reference to the memory location of the object is passed. However, due to the immutability of Strings, any changes made to the parameter within a method or function do not affect the original String object outside the method or function. To modify the original String object, you can use mutable classes like StringBuilder or StringBuffer. It’s important to understand this concept to avoid confusion and ensure correct behavior when passing Strings in Java.

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