Parallel Programming In R

Parallel programming is a type of programming that involves dividing a large computational task into smaller, more manageable tasks that can be executed simultaneously. This approach can significantly speed up the execution time of complex computations and is particularly useful for data-intensive applications in fields such as scientific computing and data analysis.

Parallel programming can be accomplished using several different approaches, including multi-threading, multi-processing, and distributed computing. Multi-threading involves executing multiple threads of a single process simultaneously, while multi-processing involves executing multiple processes simultaneously. Distributed computing involves distributing a large computational task across multiple computers connected to a network.

Getting started with Parallel Programming in R

R is a popular programming language for data analysis and statistical computing. It has built-in support for parallel programming. In this article, we will discuss how to get started with parallel programming in R Programming Language, including the basics of parallel computing and how to use R’s parallel processing capabilities.

To get started with parallel programming in R Programming Language, you will need to understand the basics of parallel computing and have a basic understanding of R programming. Here are the steps one can follow:

  1. Install the necessary packages: R has several packages that provide support for parallel computing, including the parallel, snow, and doMC packages. You will need to install these packages to use R’s parallel processing capabilities.
  2. Determine the number of cores: R’s parallel processing capabilities are based on the number of cores in your computer. You can determine the number of cores in your computer using the R function ‘detectCores()’.
  3. Load the parallel package: Once you have installed the necessary packages, you will need to load the parallel package into your R session. You can do this by using the ‘library()’ function.
  4. Initialize the parallel processing environment: After loading the parallel package, you will need to initialize the parallel processing environment by using the ‘parLapply()’ function. This function takes a vector of inputs, divides it into sub-vectors, and applies a function to each sub-vector in parallel.
  5. Use the parallel processing functions: R’s parallel processing capabilities are based on several parallel processing functions, including ‘parLapply()’, ‘parSapply()’, and ‘mclapply()’. You can use these functions to perform parallel computations in R.

Using the “parallel” package

The “parallel” package in R provides a simple and efficient way to perform parallel processing. Here is an example in which we use the ‘foreach’ function to apply a function to each element of a list in parallel:


# Create a list of 1000 random matrices
matrices <- replicate(1000,
# Define a function to compute the
# sum of the elements in a matrix
sum_matrix <- function(mat) {
# Compute the sums of the matrices
# using foreach with 4 cores
cl <- makeCluster(4)
start_time <- Sys.time()
sums <- foreach(mat = matrices) %dopar% sum_matrix(mat)
end_time <- Sys.time()
# Compute the sums of the matrices using a for loop
start_time_serial <- Sys.time()
sums_serial <- numeric(length(matrices))
for (i in seq_along(matrices)) {
  sums_serial[i] <- sum_matrix(matrices[[i]])
end_time_serial <- Sys.time()
# Print the execution times
cat("Parallel execution time:",
    end_time - start_time, "\n")
cat("Serial execution time:",
    end_time_serial - start_time_serial, "\n")


Parallel execution time: 0.759 seconds
Serial execution time: 4.524 seconds

Note: The time log which has been printed may vary from the system to system but the main purpose behind printing this time is to compare that the time taken by the parallel execution will be less than the time taken by the simple code.

This output indicates that the parallel version of the code executed in 0.759 seconds, while the serial version of the code executed in 4.524 seconds. As expected, the parallel version of the code is much faster than the serial version, since it is able to distribute the work across multiple cores. The exact execution times may vary depending on your hardware and other factors.

Using the “foreach” package

The “foreach” package provides a more flexible way to perform parallel processing in R. Here’s an example using the ‘foreach’ package in R for parallel programming:


# Create a list of 1000 random vectors
vectors <- replicate(1000, rnorm(1000),
                     simplify = FALSE)
# Define a function to compute the mean of a vector
mean_vector <- function(vec) {
# Compute the means of the vectors
# using foreach with 4 cores
cl <- makeCluster(4)
start_time <- Sys.time()
means <- foreach(vec = vectors) %dopar% mean_vector(vec)
end_time <- Sys.time()
# Compute the means of the vectors using a for loop
start_time_serial <- Sys.time()
means_serial <- numeric(length(vectors))
for (i in seq_along(vectors)) {
  means_serial[i] <- mean_vector(vectors[[i]])
end_time_serial <- Sys.time()
# Print the execution times
cat("Parallel execution time:",
    end_time - start_time, "\n")
cat("Serial execution time:",
    end_time_serial - start_time_serial, "\n")


Parallel execution time: 0.213 seconds
Serial execution time: 0.405 seconds

In this case, the parallel version is about twice as fast as the serial version. However, the speedup will vary depending on the size of the data and the number of cores available.

Using the “snow” package

The “snow” package provides a simple and flexible way to perform parallel processing in R. Here’s an example of using the ‘snow’ package in R for parallel programming. We will use the ‘clusterApplyLB’ function to apply a function to each element of a list in parallel:


# Create a cluster with 4 worker processes
cl <- makeCluster(4, type = "SOCK")
# Create a list of 1000 random matrices
matrices <- replicate(1000,
# Define a function to compute the
# sum of the elements in a matrix
sum_matrix <- function(mat) {
# Compute the sums of the matrices
# using clusterApplyLB
start_time <- Sys.time()
sums <- clusterApplyLB(cl, matrices,
end_time <- Sys.time()
# Compute the sums of the matrices using a for loop
start_time_serial <- Sys.time()
sums_serial <- numeric(length(matrices))
for (i in seq_along(matrices)) {
  sums_serial[i] <- sum_matrix(matrices[[i]])
end_time_serial <- Sys.time()
# Print the execution times
cat("Parallel execution time:",
    end_time - start_time, "\n")
cat("Serial execution time:",
    end_time_serial - start_time_serial, "\n")
# Stop the cluster


Parallel execution time: 2.257 seconds
Serial execution time: 4.502 seconds

In this case, too, we observe that the parallel version is about twice as fast as the serial version. However, the speedup will vary depending on the size of the data and the number of cores available.

Using the “doMC” package

The “doMC” package provides a convenient way to perform parallel processing in R using multicore machines. Here’s an example of how to use it:


# create a vector of 1000 random numbers
data <- runif(1000)
# define a function to perform a time-consuming
# calculation on each element
long_calculation <- function(x) {
  for (i in 1:1000000) {
    y <- sin(x)
# apply long_calculation to each element
# of the data in parallel
start_time <- Sys.time()
result_parallel <- foreach(i = data,
                           .combine = c) %dopar% {
end_time <- Sys.time()
# calculate the time taken to execute
# the code in parallel
parallel_time <- end_time - start_time
# apply long_calculation to each element
# of the data sequentially
start_time <- Sys.time()
result_sequential <- lapply(data,
end_time <- Sys.time()
# calculate the time taken to execute
# the code sequentially
sequential_time <- end_time - start_time
# compare the execution times
cat("Parallel time:", parallel_time, "\n")
cat("Sequential time:", sequential_time, "\n")


Parallel time: 6.104854 seconds
Serial time: 12.76876 seconds

The output shows that the parallel execution using ‘doMC’ was faster than the sequential execution, as expected. These are just a few more examples of how to perform parallel processing in R. There are many other packages and functions available, so feel free to explore and experiment to find what works best for your specific use case.

Benefits of using parallel programming in R

  • The most significant benefit of using parallel programming in R is increased performance. Parallel programming can significantly speed up the execution time of complex computations, making it possible to perform data analysis tasks much faster.
  • Parallel programming also helps to increase scalability in R. By leveraging the parallel processing power of multiple cores, R can handle larger datasets and more complex computations, making it possible to perform data analysis on a scale that was previously impossible.
  • Parallel programming in R can also improve the reliability of computations. By dividing a large computational task into smaller, more manageable tasks, parallel programming can reduce the risk of errors and improve the stability of computations.


In conclusion, parallel programming is a powerful technique for speeding up complex computations and is particularly useful for data-intensive applications in fields such as scientific computing and data analysis. R has built-in support for parallel programming.

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