Paradigm Software Testing

Paradigm Testing is a type of software testing that is performed to provide significant result that can be repeated, and on basis of that specifications and performance of new software releases can be standardrized. It is testing technique performed to compare the performance of software system.

Paradigm testing is an integral part of SDLC in which both the developers and the database administrators are involved to determine current performance and changes are made according to benchmark to improve the performance of the system. Coding is done very efficiently along with the database management so that user can experience the performance improvements.

Objective of Paradigm Testing:
The objective of paradigm testing is:

  • To provide accessibility to the software system or application.
  • To provide HTML compliance to the application.
  • To yield the browser compatibility to end users.
  • To provide link popularity.
  • To provide efficient load time.

Properties of Paradigm Testing:

  • It should be significant.
  • It should be repeatable.
  • Test environment should be same.
  • Other applications should be inactive.

Paradigm Testing Attributes:

  • SQL Queries, Indexes and Procedures:
    These are related with database testing and also includes the structural, functional and non-functional testing.
  • Hardware Configurations:
    Design of the hardware and how the internal configuration of the hardware is interacted with the system software.
  • Application Code:
    Programming code that defines the fundamental features and tasks of the application.
  • Networks:
    Connections and its establishment is one the key attribute of the benchmark testing. It is also useful during database testing.
  • Firewalls:
    Firewalls are for the security purpose of the network. It basically used as the detection and the intrusion device in the network.

Steps of Paradigm Testing:
There are four steps in Paradigm testing:

This is the stating phase of benchmark initial phase of the testing. In this phase identification of requirements and prioritization of standards are done. Benchmark criteria and test process are defined in this phase.

This the second phase of benchmark testing in which identify of root cause of error to ensure a good quality software is done.

This is the third phase of benchmark testing in which outcomes are shared with respective persons and they approve it. The goals of function is set.

This is the last phase of benchmark testing. Test plan is developed and actions specified in previous phases are implemented. Process is run continuously in this phase.

Paradigm Testing Tools:

  • Prime95
  • Novabench
  • 3DMark
  • SiSoftware Sandra
  • Cinebench
  • Geekbench
  • Phoronix
  • CPU-M
  • Vellamo

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