p5.Table addRow() Method

The addRow() method of p5.Table in p5.js is used to add a new row of data to the table object. This method creates an empty row by default. This can be used by storing a reference to the new row object and then setting the values in the row using the set() method. Alternatively, a p5.TableRow object can be included as a parameter to the method. This will directly duplicate the given row and add it to the table.


addRow( [row] )

Parameters: This function accept a single parameter as mentioned above and described below: 

  • row: It is a p5.TableRow object that specifies the row to be added to the table. It is an optional parameter.

Below example  illustrates the addRow() function in p5.js:

Example 1:


function setup() {
  createCanvas(500, 300);
  addRowBtn = createButton("Add Row");
  addRowBtn.position(30, 40);
  // Create the table
  table = new p5.Table();
function addNewRow() {
  // Create new row object
  let newRow = table.addRow();
  // Add data to it using setString()
  newRow.setString("author", "Author " + floor(random(1, 100)));
  newRow.setString("langauge", "Langauge " + floor(random(1, 100)));
function draw() {
  // Show the total number of rows
  text("The table has " + table.getRowCount() + " rows", 20, 20);
  // Show the columns
  text("Author", 20, 80);
  text("Language", 120, 80);
  // Show the table with the rows
  for (let r = 0; r < table.getRowCount(); r++)
    for (let c = 0; c < table.getColumnCount(); c++)
      text(table.getString(r, c), 20 + c * 100, 120 + r * 20);


Example 2:


function setup() {
  createCanvas(500, 300);
  addRowBtn = createButton("Add Row");
  addRowBtn.position(30, 40);
  // Create the table
  table = new p5.Table();
function addNewRow() {
  // Create a new TableRow object
  let tableRow = new p5.TableRow("Author X, Book Y", ",");
  // Add the TableRow to table
function draw() {
  // Show the total number of rows
  text("The table has " + table.getRowCount() + " rows", 20, 20);
  // Show the columns
  text("Author", 20, 80);
  text("Book", 120, 80);
  // Show the table with the rows
  for (let r = 0; r < table.getRowCount(); r++)
    for (let c = 0; c < table.getColumnCount(); c++)
      text(table.getString(r, c), 20 + c * 100, 120 + r * 20);


Online editor: https://editor.p5js.org/
Environment Setup: https://www.w3wiki.net/p5-js-soundfile-object-installation-and-methods/
Reference: https://p5js.org/reference/#/p5.Table/addRow

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