p5.js save() Function

The save() function in p5.js is used to save to the file system by prompting a download to the computer. This function can be used to save text, images, JSON, CSV, wav, or HTML files. The default option is to save the current canvas as an image.
The first parameter of the function can be specified various values depending on the file to save. Examples include a pointer to the canvas element, an array of Strings, a JSON object, or an array, a p5.Table element for tables, a p5.Image element for images or a p5.SoundFile element for sounds.
Note: It is not recommended to call this function inside the draw() loop, as it will prompt a new save dialog every draw call.


save( [objectOrFilename], [filename], [options] )

Parameters: This function accepts three parameter as mentioned above and described below.  

  • objectOrFilename: This is an Object or String that is used to denote the object to save or the filename (if saving the canvas). If an Object is provided, it will save the file depending upon the object and filename. It is an optional parameter.
  • filename: It specifies the String that is used as the filename of the saved file. It is an optional parameter.
  • options: It is a Boolean value or String which provides additional options for the file to be saved. Incase of JSON files, a value of ‘true’ would save the JSON optimized for filesize, instead of readability. It is an optional parameter.

The examples below illustrate the save() function in p5.js:
Example 1:


function setup() {
  createCanvas(500, 300);
  text("Click on the buttons below to save different types of files", 20, 20);
  // Create a button for saving text
  saveTextBtn = createButton("Save Text");
  saveTextBtn.position(30, 60);
  // Create a button for saving canvas image
  saveImageBtn = createButton("Save Canvas");
  saveImageBtn.position(150, 60);
  // Create a button for saving JSON
  saveJSONBtn = createButton("Save JSON");
  saveJSONBtn.position(30, 100);
  // Create a button for saving CSV
  saveCSVBtn = createButton("Save CSV");
  saveCSVBtn.position(150, 100);
function saveAsText() {
  let textToSave = ["Hello", "w3wiki!"];
  save(textToSave, "output_text.txt");
function saveAsCanvas() {
function saveAsJSON() {
  let exampleObj = [
      name: "Samuel",
      age: 23,
      name: "Axel",
      age: 15,
  save(exampleObj, "output_text.json");
function saveAsCSV() {
  let exampleTable = new p5.Table();
  let newRow = exampleTable.addRow();
  newRow.setString("author", "Dennis Ritchie");
  newRow.setString("language", "C");
  save(exampleTable, "output_CSV.csv");


Example 2:


function setup() {
  createCanvas(500, 300);
  text("Click on the button below to save the written text", 20, 20);
  // Create a textarea for the input of text
  inputArea = createElement("textarea");
  inputArea.position(30, 50);
  inputArea.size(400, 120);
  // Create a button for saving text
  saveBtn = createButton("Save text to file");
  saveBtn.position(30, 200);
function saveFile() {
  // Get the value of the textarea
  // Split according to nextline characters
  stringList = inputArea.value().split("\n");
  // Save the strings to file
  save(stringList, "output_file.txt");


Online editor: https://editor.p5js.org/
Environment Setup: https://www.w3wiki.net/p5-js-soundfile-object-installation-and-methods/
Reference: https://p5js.org/reference/#/p5/save

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