p5.js pointLight() Function

The pointLight() function in p5.js is used to create a point lights with the specified color and position in the scene. A scene can have a maximum of 5 active point lights at a time.


pointLight( v1, v2, v3, x, y, z )


pointLight( v1, v2, v3, position )


pointLight( color, x, y, z )


pointLight( color, position )

Parameters: This function accept eight parameters as mentioned above and described below:

  • v1: It is a number which determines the red or hue value relative to the current color range.
  • v2: It is a number which determines the green or saturation value relative to the current color range.
  • v3: It is a number which determines the blue or brightness value relative to the current color range.
  • x: It is a number which determines the x axis position of the light.
  • y: It is a number which determines the y axis position of the light.
  • z: It is a number which determines the z axis position of the light.
  • position: It is p5.Vector which defines the position of the light.
  • color: It is a color string or p5.Color which defines the color of the point light.

Below example illustrates the pointLight() function in p5.js:

Example 1:

let newFont;
let directionalLightEnable = false;
function preload() {
  newFont = loadFont('fonts/Montserrat.otf');
function setup() {
  createCanvas(600, 300, WEBGL);
  textFont(newFont, 16);
  redSlider = createSlider(0, 255, 128, 1);
  redSlider.position(20, 50);
  greenSlider = createSlider(0, 255, 128, 1);
  greenSlider.position(20, 80);
  blueSlider = createSlider(0, 255, 128, 1);
  blueSlider.position(20, 110);
function draw() {
  text("Move the sliders to change the point light's red, "+
                        "green and blue values", -285, -125);
  redValue = redSlider.value();
  greenValue = greenSlider.value();
  blueValue = blueSlider.value();
  // Create a point light with the selected light color
  pointLight(redValue, greenValue, blueValue, 100, 0, 150);
  // Create the sphere on which the point light will work


Example 2:

let newFont;
let directionalLightEnable = false;
function preload() {
  newFont = loadFont('fonts/Montserrat.otf');
function setup() {
  createCanvas(600, 300, WEBGL);
  textFont(newFont, 16);
  xPosSlider = createSlider(-150, 150, 100, 1);
  xPosSlider.position(20, 50);
  yPosSlider = createSlider(-300, 300, 0, 1);
  yPosSlider.position(20, 80);
  zPosSlider = createSlider(0, 250, 150, 1);
  zPosSlider.position(20, 110);
function draw() {
  text("Change the sliders to move the point light position "+
                          "along x, y and z axis", -285, -125);
  xPositionValue = xPosSlider.value();
  yPositionValue = yPosSlider.value();
  zPositionValue = zPosSlider.value();
  // Create a point light at the selected location
  pointLight(255, 0, 0, xPositionValue, yPositionValue, zPositionValue);
  // Create a sphere to show the demonstrate
  // of the point light location
  translate(xPositionValue, yPositionValue, zPositionValue);
  translate(-xPositionValue, -yPositionValue, -zPositionValue);
  // Create the sphere on which the point light will work


Online editor: https://editor.p5js.org/

Reference: https://p5js.org/reference/#/p5/pointLight

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