p5.js p5.Table removeRow() Method

The removeRow() method of p5.Table in p5.js is used to remove the given row from a table. The row to delete is specified using its row ID.


removeRow( id )

Parameters: This function accepts a single parameter as mentioned above and described below:

  • id: It is a Number that denotes the ID of the row to remove.

The example below illustrates the removeRow() function in p5.js:

Example 1:

function setup() {
  createCanvas(500, 400);
  rowInput = createInput();
  rowInput.position(30, 40);
  clearRowBtn = createButton("Clear Given Row");
  clearRowBtn.position(30, 70);
  // Create the table
  table = new p5.Table();
  // Add columns
  // Add 10 random rows to the table
  for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
    let newRow = table.addRow();
    newRow.setString("author", "Author " + floor(random(1, 100)));
    newRow.setString("book", "Book " + floor(random(1, 100)));
  // Display the rows currently present
function clearRow() {
  text("Click on the button to clear the given row in the table", 20, 20);
  // Get the index of the row to be removed
  let rowToClear = int(rowInput.value());
  // Use the removeRow() method to
  // clear the given row of the table
  if (rowToClear >= 0 && rowToClear < table.getRowCount())
  text("Last row cleared!", 20, 140);
function getTableRows() {
  text("Click on the button to clear the given row in the table", 20, 20);
  // Display all the rows present in the table
  text("There are " + table.getRowCount() + " rows in the table", 20, 120);
  for (let i = 0; i < table.getRowCount(); i++) {
    let rowContents = table.rows[i].arr.toString();
    text("Row " + i + ": " + rowContents, 20, 160 + i * 20);


Example 2:

function setup() {
  createCanvas(500, 400);
  removeRowBtn = createButton("Clear Last Row");
  removeRowBtn.position(30, 60);
  // Create the table
  table = new p5.Table();
  // Add columns
  // Add 10 random rows to the table
  for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
    let newRow = table.addRow();
    newRow.setString("author", "Author " + floor(random(1, 100)));
    newRow.setString("book", "Book " + floor(random(1, 100)));
  // Display the rows currently present
function clearLastRow() {
  text("Click on the button to clear the last row in the table", 20, 20);
  // Get the index of the last row
  // of the table
  let lastRow = table.getRowCount() - 1;
  // Use the removeRow() method to
  // clear the given row of the table
  if (lastRow >= 0) table.removeRow(lastRow);
  text("Last row cleared!", 20, 140);
function getTableRows() {
  text("Click on the button to clear the last row in the table", 20, 20);
  // Display all the rows present in the table
  text("There are " + table.getRowCount() + " rows in the table", 20, 120);
  for (let i = 0; i < table.getRowCount(); i++) {
    let rowContents = table.rows[i].arr.toString();
    text("Row " + i + ": " + rowContents, 20, 160 + i * 20);


Online editor: https://editor.p5js.org/

Reference: https://p5js.org/reference/#/p5.Table/removeRow

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