p5.js mouseMoved() Function

The mouseMoved() function in p5.js is called every time the mouse moves and a mouse button is not pressed.



Parameters: This function accepts single parameter Event which is optional.

Below programs illustrate the mouseMoved() function in p5.js:
Example 1: This example uses mouseMoved() function change the rectangle color when mouse move over.

function setup() {
    // Create Canvas of size 500*500
    createCanvas(500, 500);
let value = 0;
function draw() {
    // SEt background color
    // Set the filled color
    // Create rectangle of given size
    rect(25, 25, 460, 440);
    // Set the text color
    // Set font size
    // Display the text
    text('Move Mouse Across the page to change its value.'
             windowHeight/6, windowWidth/4);
function mouseMoved() {
    value = value + 5;
    if (value > 255) {
        value = 0;


Example 2: This example uses mouseMoved() function change the color of ellipse.

// Declare a variable
let value;
function setup() {
    // Create Canvas of size 500*500
    createCanvas(500, 500);
function draw() {
    // Set background color
    // fill color according to 
    // mouseMoved() function
    // Set the color
    fill(value, value, value);
    // Draw ellipse  
    ellipse(mouseX, mouseY, 115, 115);
function mouseMoved() {
    value = mouseX%255;


Reference: https://p5js.org/reference/#/p5/mouseMoved

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