p5.js lightness() function

The lightness() function in p5.js is used to extract the HSL lightness value from a color or pixel array.



Parameters: This function accepts single parameter c which stores the p5.Color object, color components, or CSS color.

Below programs illustrate the lightness() function in p5.js:

Example 1: This example uses lightness() function to extract the HSL lightness value from pixel array.

function setup() {
    // Create Canvas of size 300*80
    createCanvas(300, 80);
function draw() {
    // Set background color
    // Initialize color mode to HSB
    colorMode(HSL, 255);
    // Initialize the parameter
    let c = color(0, 126, 100);
    // Sets 'value' to 100
    let value = lightness(c); 
    // Set the font size
    // Set the font color
    // Display result
    text("Lightness Value is : " + value, 50, 30);


Example 2: This example uses lightness() function to extract the HSL lightness value from pixel array and use it as grayscale value.

function setup() {
    // Create Canvas of size 300*80
    createCanvas(300, 180);
function draw() {
    // SEt background color
    // Initialize color mode to HSB
    colorMode(HSL, 255);
    // Initialize the parameter
    let c = color(56, 126, 10);
    // Sets 'value' to 10
    let value = lightness(c); 
    // Fill the color value
    // Create rectangle
    rect(50, 15, 35, 70);
    // Display result
    text("Value of Lightness is : " + value, 22, 110);


Reference: https://p5js.org/reference/#/p5/lightness

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