p5.js degrees() function

The degrees() function in p5.js is used to convert a given radian measurement value to its corresponding value in degrees.


degrees( radian )

Parameters: This function accepts single parameter radian which is to be converted into degrees.

Return Value: It returns the converted angle into degrees.

Below programs illustrate the degrees() function in p5.js:

Example 1: This example uses degrees() function to convert given radian measurement value to its corresponding value in degrees.

function setup() { 
    // Creating Canvas size
    createCanvas(450, 140); 
function draw() { 
    // Set the background color 
    // Initializing some angles in radians
    let Rad1 = PI; 
    let Rad2 = PI / 2; 
    let Rad3 = PI / 4; 
    let Rad4 = 67; 
    // Calling to degrees() function
    let A = degrees(Rad1);
    let B = degrees(Rad2);
    let C = degrees(Rad3);
    let D = degrees(Rad4);
    // Set the size of text 
    // Set the text color 
    // Getting converted angles into degree
    text("Converted angle in degree is: " + A, 50, 30);
    text("Converted angle in degree is: " + B, 50, 60);
    text("Converted angle in degree is: " + C, 50, 90);
    text("Converted angle in degree is: " + D, 50, 110);


Example 2: This example uses degrees() function to convert given radian measurement value to its corresponding value in degrees.

function setup() { 
    // Creating Canvas size
    createCanvas(450, 140); 
function draw() { 
    // Set the background color 
    // Calling to degrees() function with different
    // radians value as parameter
    let A = degrees(PI/2);
    let B = degrees(PI/3);
    let C = degrees(PI/4);
    let D = degrees(PI/PI);
    // Set the size of text 
    // Set the text color 
    // Getting converted angles into degree
    text("Converted angle in degree is: " + A, 50, 30);
    text("Converted angle in degree is: " + B, 50, 60);
    text("Converted angle in degree is: " + C, 50, 90);
    text("Converted angle in degree is: " + D, 50, 110);


Reference: https://p5js.org/reference/#/p5/degrees

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