p5.js color() Function

The color() function is used to create color and store it into variables. The parameters of color function are RGB or HSB value depending on the current colorMode() function. The default mode of color() function is RGB value from 0 to 255. Therefore, the function color(255, 204, 0) will return a bright yellow color.


color(gray, alpha)
color(v1, v2, v3, alpha)


  • gray: It is used to set the gray value between white and black.
  • alpha: It is used to set the transparency of the drawing.
  • v1: It is used to set the red or hue value relative to current color range.
  • v2: It is used to set the green or saturation value relative to current color range.
  • v3: It is used to set the blue or brightness value relative to current color range.
  • value: It is used to set the value of color string.
  • values: It is an array containing the red, green, blue and alpha value.
  • color: It is used to set the stroke color.

Return Value: It returns the resulting color value.

Example 1:

function setup() { 
    // Create Canvas of given size 
    createCanvas(400, 300); 
function draw() { 
    // Use color() function
    let c = color('green');
    // Use fill() function to fill color
    // Draw a circle 
    circle(200, 150, 150); 


Example 2:

function setup() { 
    // Create Canvas of given size 
    createCanvas(400, 300); 
function draw() { 
    // Set the background color 
    // Use color() function
    let c = color(0, 155, 0);
    // Use fill() function to fill color
    // Draw a line 
    rect(50, 50, 250, 150); 


Reference: https://p5js.org/reference/#/p5/color

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