OYO Interview Experience for SDE-1 (On-Campus)

Oyo visited our campus for the SDE-1 profile and a total of 1652 students applied for it.

Round 1 (Online test):

  1. The first round consisted of 10 MCQs that were based on DBMS, OS, and DSA (especially sorting and heap).
  2. It also had 2 Programming Questions

After this 64 students were shortlisted.

Round 2 (Technical Interview): It was purely based on your knowledge in Data Structure. I would advise practicing a lot of problems based on all kinds of data structures. Before starting the interview, the interviewer asked if I had any weak points in DS to which I replied Dynamic Programming, so he excluded that from my interview.

He asked 3 DSA questions. It was mostly a discussion-based interview so you should be conversing along with the coding. The idea was to look at the approach and if you know how to code properly or not.

Round 3 (Technical Interview): It was also mainly concerned about the knowledge in data structures.

  1. He asked one question from data structures Sliding Window Maximum (Maximum of all subarrays of size k). I told him a double-ended queue algorithm as I already knew about it. He then asked me some other approach for this after which I came up with the heap approach which we discussed and came to a solution for which I coded then.
  2. Then he asked about the sorting algorithms I know. I told Bubble, insertion, selection, quick, merge, heap. He asked about the time complexities of all these.
  3. Then he asked the time complexity of insertion in a binary search tree, the height of both balanced and unbalanced BST
  4. Then he asked a couple of questions from OS and DBMS which were pretty easy.

After this 11 students were selected, and I was one of them

Note: Write the syntax carefully. Their main focus was your programming skills and not your resume so focus on that.

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