OYO Interview Experience for SDE

Round 1: 

There were 2 coding questions to be solved and 20 MCQ questions. Both the section have individual Cut-offs. Many students after solving coding questions was not selected because they didn’t cleared MCQ’s cutoff. Level of coding question was easy. 

Q1:- https://www.interviewbit.com/problems/gray-code/ 

Q2:-  https://www.interviewbit.com/problems/min-jumps-array/ .MCQ’s was based on DBMS and OS. 

Out of approximately 260 students registered 60 students cleared Online Round . 

Round 2: 

Interview Round 1 :- (Approx 70-80 min) 

The interviewer asked me to tell about myself and then started things from my resume. 

Since i have developer kind of profile and some good internship experience, he started with the projects i have done in my internship and was quite impressed . So this discussion went for 20-25 min. Then he shifted to DSA and asked 3 questions :- 

Q1 :- https://www.w3wiki.net/reverse-alternate-levels-binary-tree/  This question took me 20 min to solve . I told me 2 approach with Time complexity O(n) and space complexity O(n) and O(1) . 

Q2 :- https://www.w3wiki.net/print-nodes-distance-k-given-node-binary-tree/ 

Q3 :- https://www.w3wiki.net/find-a-tour-that-visits-all-stations/ 

I solved all the questions with effective time management for each question . As i was the last one to interview with OYO i was immediately called for the next round . 

Round 3: 

Interview Round 2 :- (Approx 1 hr) 

The interviewer asked me to tell about myself and asked two DSA question . 

Q1 :- https://www.w3wiki.net/optimal-strategy-for-a-game-dp-31/ 

Q2 :-  https://www.w3wiki.net/wildcard-pattern-matching/ 

I solved both the questions. If you are preparing for Oyo, prepare well for topics like DP and Tree. Most questions are asked from these two topics . 2nd question took me approx 25 min to solve. Then interviewer shifted to DBMS, few questions was :- 

Tell me about ACID Properties. 

What is Indexing. How it is implemented in real databases. 

What is Normalisation. 

Explain different types of normalisation. 

Then interviewer shifted to os question. I didn’t revised my concepts in OS i told him about it, Still he asked about 

What is thread 

Process vs Thread 

Different Types of scheduling algorithms. 

Thread loop questions. 

I didn’t remember i answered any of these question perfectly. Just Prepare OS and DBMS as best as you can for OYO. 

There was 3rd round for few students. I was told to wait forr the result . At Last i was offered a SLI with OYO. 


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