Overview of Personality Prediction Project using ML

Introduction and Overview: 

The project is based on identifying the personality of an individual using machine learning algorithms and big 5 models. The personality of a human plays a major role in his personal and professional life. Nowadays, many organizations have also started shortlisting the candidates based on their personality as this increase the efficiency of the work because the person is working in what he is good at than what he is forced to do.  

The Big Five model is also known as the Five-Factor Model (FFM) and OCEAN model was developed in the early 1980s according to many psychological theories. When the statistical analysis is applied to personality survey data, some words used to describe the person and these words give a summary of the overall character or personality of the person accurately.  

  • Open to Experience: It involves various dimensions, like imagination, sensitivity, attentiveness, preference to variety, and curiosity.  
  • Conscientiousness: This trait is used to describe the carefulness and diligence of the person. It is the quality that describes how organized and efficient a person is.
  • Extraversion: It is the trait that describes how the best candidates can interact with people that is how good are his/her social skills.
  • Agreeableness: It is a quality that analyses the individual behavior based on the generosity, sympathy, cooperativeness and ability to adjust with people.  
  • Neuroticism: This trait usually describes a person to have mood swings and has extreme expressive power.


In our project, we have tried to combine both personality prediction using ML algorithms like KNN, CNN and Logistic regression to predict the personality of a person and used term frequency algorithm to get the skill in which the person is good at. Users can easily identify his personality and his technical skill from this model or system. 

The system module consists of a user module and admin module.  

The user login would be used by the applicants to check their personality. User attempts questionnaire views the Results. Candidate needs to create and submit their CV by filling the CV form. The CV format should be done accordingly specified by the system. The admin login would be used by the recruiting company to check the personality and Technical skill of the candidate the admin can view all the registered candidates’ details.

The admin can view the results of the individual candidates which can be easy for the admin to select the desired candidate. The details of the candidate in results page include name, age, address, personality and his/her major technical skill for recruitment after successful upload of the CV, the candidate can proceed with the online test based on personality. The questionnaire contains 4 questions each from these 5 traits are given to the user each question of marks 2and there will be a total of 20 questions 4 questions belonging to each personality trait. There are 700 datasets and 300 testing sets are used in this dataset, each attribute is assigned a maximum score of 8. Based on the user’s response to each question in a trait marks are assigned to him.  

Technology Stack:

  • Python  
  • Django
  • Tensorflow  


  • Can be used to predict a person’s personality with an accuracy of 85.81%
  • Used to identify the right candidate to the right candidate based on his personality and skill
  • Can be used to match marital profiles

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