Output of Python Programs | Set 19 (Strings)

1) What is the output of the following program? 


str1 = '{2}, {1} and {0}'.format('a', 'b', 'c')
str2 = '{0}{1}{0}'.format('abra', 'cad')
print(str1, str2)

a) c, b and a abracad0 
b) a, b and c abracadabra 
c) a, b and c abracadcad 
d) c, b and a abracadabra 
Ans. (d) 
Explanation: String function format takes a format string and an arbitrary set of positional and keyword arguments. For str1 ‘a’ has index 2, ‘b’ index 1 and ‘c’ index 0. str2 has only two indices 0 and 1. Index 0 is used twice at 1st and 3rd time.
2) What is the output of the following program? 


a = 2
b = '3.77'
c = -8
str1 = '{0:.4f} {0:3d} {2} {1}'.format(a, b, c)

a) 2.0000 2 -8 3.77 
b) 2 3.77 -8 3.77 
c) 2.000 3 -8 3.77 
d) 2.000 2 8 3.77 
Ans. (a) 
Explanation: At Index 0, integer a is formatted into a float with 4 decimal points, thus 2.0000. At Index 0, a = 2 is formatted into a integer, thus it remains to 2. Index 2 and 1 values are picked next, which are -8 and 3.77 respectively.
3) What is the output of the following program? 


import string
Line1 = "And Then There Were None"
Line2 = "Famous In Love"
Line3 = "Famous Were The Kol And Klaus"
Line4 = Line1 + Line2 + Line3
print("And" in Line4)

a) True 2 
b) True 
c) False 
d) False 2 
Ans. (b) 
The “in” operator returns True if the strings contains the substring (ie, And), else returns False. 
4) What is the output of the following program? 


line = "I'll come by then."
eline = ""
for i in line:
    eline += chr(ord(i)+3)

a) L*oo frph e| wkhq1 
b) L*oo#frph#e|#wkhq1 
c) l*oo@frph@e|$wkhq1 
d) O*oo#Frph#E|#wKhq1 
Ans. (b) 
Explanation: This piece of code ciphers the plain text. Each character is moved to its 3rd next character by increasing the ascii value. ‘I’ becomes ‘L’, thus option (c) and (d) are ruled out. ‘ ‘ has ascii value of 32, thus it’ll become 35(‘#’), thus option (a) is ruled out as, ‘ ‘ can not remain to be ‘ ‘ in the ciphered text.
5) What is the output of the following program? 


line =  "What will have so will"
L = line.split('a')
for i in L:
    print(i, end=' ')

a) [‘What’, ‘will’, ‘have’, ‘so’, ‘will’] 
b) Wh t will h ve so will 
c) What will have so will 
d) [‘Wh’, ‘t will h’, ‘ve so will’] 
Ans. (b) 
Explanation: split() will use ‘a’ as the delimiter. It’ll create partition at ‘a’, thus split() return an array L, which is in [‘Wh’, ‘t will h’, ‘ve so will’]. For loop will print the elements of the list.


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