Output of Python Program | Set 1

Predict the output of following python programs:

Program 1:

r = lambda q: q * 2
s = lambda q: q * 3
x = 2
x = r(x)
x = s(x)
x = r(x)
print (x)



Explanation : In the above program r and s are lambda functions or anonymous functions and q is the argument to both of the functions. In first step we have initialized x to 2. In second step we have passed x as argument to the lambda function r, this will return x*2 which is stored in x. That is, x = 4 now. Similarly in third step we have passed x to lambda function s, So x = 4*3. i.e, x = 12 now. Again in the last step, x is multiplied by 2 by passing it to function r. Therefore, x = 24.


Program 2:

a = 4.5
b = 2
print (a//b)



Explanation : This type of division is called truncating division where the remainder is truncated or dropped.


Program 3:

a = True
b = False
c = False
if a or b and c:
    print ("w3wiki")
    print ("w3wiki")



Explanation : In Python, AND operator has higher precedence than OR operator. So, it is evaluated first. i.e, (b and c) evaluates to false.Now OR operator is evaluated. Here, (True or False) evaluates to True. So the if condition becomes True and w3wiki is printed as output.


Program 4:

a = True
b = False
c = False
if not a or b:
    print (1)
elif not a or not b and c:
    print (2)
elif not a or b or not b and a:
    print (3)
    print (4)



Explanation: In Python the precedence order is first NOT then AND and in last OR. So the if condition and second elif condition evaluates to False while third elif condition is evaluated to be True resulting in 3 as output.


Program 5:

count = 1 
def doThis():
    global count
    for i in (1, 2, 3): 
        count += 1
print (count)



Explanation: The variable count declared outside the function is global variable and also the count variable being referenced in the function is the same global variable defined outside of the function. So, the changes made to variable in the function is reflected to the original variable. So, the output of the program is 4.

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