Output of PHP programs | Set 3

Predict the output of below PHP programs:

Question 1

    $number = array(0, 1, one, two, three, 5);
    $num = preg_grep("/[0-5]/", $number);


  1. Array([0]=>0 [1]=>1 [2]=>one [3]=>two [4]=>three [5]=>5)
  2. Array([2]=>one [3]=>two [4]=>three)
  3. Array([1]=> 1)
  4. Array([0]=>0 [1]=>1 [5]=>5)


Array([0]=>0 [1]=>1 [5]=>5)

Explanation: The preg_grep() function is used to search an array for specific patterns and then return a new array based on that filtering.

Question 2

    $number = array(0, 1, one, two, three, 5);
    $num = preg_grep("/[0-5]/", $number, PREG_GREP_INVERT);


  1. Array([0]=>0 [1]=>1 [2]=>one [3]=>two [4]=>three [5]=>5)
  2. Array([2]=>one [3]=>two [4]=>three)
  3. Array([1]=> 1)
  4. Array([0]=>0 [1]=>1 [5]=>5)


Array([2]=>one [3]=>two [4]=>three)

Explanation: When we include PREG_GREP_INVERT, this will invert our data, so instead of outputting numbers it will output our non-numeric values.

Question 3

    $name = "I am intern at w3wiki.";
    if (preg_match("/at/",$name))
    echo "My name is Sagar Shukla";
    echo "My name is not Sagar Shukla";


  1. My name is Sagar Shukla
  2. My name is not Sagar Shukla
  3. Error
  4. No Output


My name is Sagar Shukla

Explanation: The code uses preg_match() to check for a keyword and replies based on whether it is true (1) or false (0).

Question 4

    $name = "I am intern at w3wiki.";
    if (preg_match("/was/",$name))
    echo "My name is Sagar Shukla";
    echo "My name is not Sagar Shukla";


  1. My name is Sagar Shukla
  2. My name is not Sagar Shukla
  3. Error
  4. No Output


My name is not Sagar Shukla

Explanation: The code uses preg_match to check for a keyword and replies based on whether it is true (1) or false (0).

Question 5

    $str = "I am intern at w3wiki";
    $find = array('/am/');
    $replace = array('was');
    echo preg_replace ($find, $replace, $str);


  1. I am intern at w3wiki
  2. I was intern at w3wiki
  3. Error
  4. No Output


I was intern at w3wiki

Explanation: In the above program, am replaced with was as preg PHP function is used to do a find and replace on a string or an array.

Question 6

    $str = "I am intern at w3wiki";
    $find = array('/w3wiki/');
    $replace = array('w3wiki');
    echo preg_replace ($find, $replace, $str);


  1. I am intern at w3wiki
  2. I am intern at w3wiki
  3. Error
  4. No Output


I am intern at w3wiki

Explanation: w3wiki was not replaced because the preg_replace function is case sensitive. Therefore it treats w3wiki and w3wiki differently.

Question 7

    $line = "Hello. Welcome to w3wiki!";
    $sen = preg_split('/\./', $line);


  1. Hello. Welcome to w3wiki!
  2. Array([0]=> Hello. Welcome to w3wiki!)
  3. Array([0]=> Hello [1]=> Welcome to w3wiki! )
  4. Error
  5. Output:

    Array([0]=> Hello [1]=> Welcome to w3wiki! )

    Explanation: We use a ‘.’ period to split the data, therefore giving each sentence it’s own array entry.

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