Outcomes of Democracy

A democratic government is one in which the people elect the rulers. Democracy promotes equality among people and enhances dignity among people. It also improves the quality of decision-making and provides methods to resolve conflicts. It also provides room to correct own mistakes. 

People have the right to choose their rulers and have control over their rulers in a democracy. People also participate in the decision-making process and the government should be accountable to citizens, and responsive to the needs and expectations of the citizens. It is based on the idea of negotiations and deliberation. It provides transparency and makes sure to develop mechanisms for citizens to hold the Government accountable and take part in decision-making.

Outcomes of Democracy

Table of Content

  • What are the Outcomes of Democracy?
  • How do We Assess Democracy Outcomes?
  • Accountable, Responsive, and Legitimate Government
  • Economic Outcomes of Democracy
  • Reduction of Inequality and Poverty
  • Accommodation of Social Diversity
  • Dignity and Freedom of the Citizens

What are the Outcomes of Democracy?

The outcomes of democracy are substantial. People have the right to pick their rulers and have authority over them. Citizens can influence how decisions are made. Citizens have a government that is accountable to them and responsive to their desires and goals as a result of democracy. Decisions are made in line with defined rules and procedures under democracy. As a result, a citizen who wishes to know if a decision was taken by the law can do so. Citizens have the right to engage in decision-making at any moment. People want to be governed by representatives who have been elected by them.

Merits of Democracy

  1. People in a democracy expect the government to work for their benefit. This might be accomplished through the creation of power, roads, the provision of homes, jobs, health, and education, among other things.
  2. Democracy allows for mistakes to be corrected.
  3. If there are disagreements, democracy allows for them to be resolved.
  4. Democracy helps to increase the quality of decision-making.
  5. Democracy improves the dignity of all individuals.
  6. Most importantly, democracy promotes equality among all people of the country.
  7. Governments in a democracy are accountable, legitimate, and responsive to citizens’ expectations and requirements.
  8. When electing their government officials, all citizens have equal weight.

Demerits of Democracy

  1. Democracy breeds corruption because it is based on electoral competition.
  2. Because any regular citizen can run for and win elections, and any citizen can choose their government representatives, it is argued that ordinary citizens who do not know what is best for them should not be involved in decision-making.
  3. Elected government officials often make poor decisions because they do not comprehend what is best for the public.
  4. Decisions in a democracy are delayed because many people must be consulted.
  5. Democracy has no room for morality because it is all about power and political competitiveness.

How do We Assess Democracy Outcomes?

Democracy is considered to be a better form of running the government than other forms of government, which can be gaunged by the following:

  1. Democracy helps in the promotion of equality among the people.
  2. Democracy enhances dignity of individuals.
  3. Quality and implementation of decision making powers are improved.
  4. Several methods have been suggested for improving the conflicts over the country.
  5. There is a room for correction always in democracy.

Accountable, Responsive, and Legitimate Government

The government is mostly held accountable in a democracy and is referred to as the people’s government. The right to select their rulers and have authority over them is given to the people. When the government solicits public input on certain laws or policies, citizens can participate in the decision-making process. A democratic government is one that is run by the people for the people. Democracy has to be accountable to the people, responsive to the needs of people, and at the same time legitimate government.

Economic Outcomes of Democracy

Economic development is influenced by a number of elements, including the size of the country’s population, the global situation, international collaboration, the country’s economic priorities, and so on. There is a huge disparity in economic growth rates between dictatorships and democratic countries. Democracy is chosen because it produces a number of favorable consequences. Overall, we cannot assume that democracy guarantees economic development, but we can expect democracies to not lag behind dictatorships in terms of economic growth.

The factors that determine economic growth are as follows:

  • Population 
  • Size 
  • Natural Resources 
  • Relationships with other countries 
  • Global situation 
  • Geographic position 
  • Economic policies of the government.

Reduction of Inequality and Poverty

When it comes to electing legislators, everyone has an equal say. We are seeing growing economic inequities as a result of the process of bringing citizens into the political arena on an equal footing.

  1. A small number of ultra-wealthy individuals control a disproportionate amount of wealth and income. Their share of overall national revenue has been increasing.
  2. Those at bottom of society, their income has been decreasing.

No civilization is capable of entirely and permanently resolving tensions between various groups. We may, however, learn to respect these distinctions and develop strategies to deal with them. A democratic regime’s ability to deal with social diversity, divisions, and disputes is a plus. However, in order to obtain this result, democracy must meet two prerequisites.

  1. In order for governments to function as representatives of the broad public, the majority must always work with the minority.
  2. Different persons and organizations may and can form a majority in any decision or election, according to the rule of the majority.

Democracies not only help in making welfare schemes but also give reservations to socially and economically backward people in jobs, elections, and educational institutions. Four ways in which democracies have been able to reduce inequality and poverty are as follows:

  • It promotes political equality by providing equal voting rights to every citizen.
  • Provides a suitable ground for group activism which leads to equal opportunities to raise the concerns of poor people.
  • A redistributive mechanism for transferring economic benefits on basis of requirements of sections of society.
  • No discrimination on the basis of economic status ensures social equality.

Accommodation of Social Diversity

Democracies mostly develop a process to accommodate various social groups. This step helps in the reduction of the possibility of social tensions becoming violent or explosive. It is not suitable to assume that societies can completely eradicate conflicts among different groups. But, democracies provide the ground to best handle social divisions, differences, and conflicts.

Democracy helps to develop a procedure to conduct a competition among social groups, which helps to reduce the possibilities of conflicts and social tensions. Also, democracies develop a mechanism to negotiate. It helps to resolve conflicts among different groups and learn to respect differences.

Dignity and Freedom of the Citizens

In terms of supporting individual dignity and freedom, democracy outperforms all other forms of government. Democracy is built on a passion for respect and liberty. Consider the issue of women’s dignity. Long-running efforts for women’s rights have raised awareness that respect and equitable treatment for women are vital components of a democratic society. Inequalities based on caste exist in the same way. 

The vast majority of people today believe that their vote has an impact on how the government is run as well as their own self-interest. The democratic examination never comes to an end. As one test passes, it generates another. People expect more and want to improve democracy as they see its benefits. The fact that people are demonstrating at all demonstrates the success of democracy.

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FAQs on Outcome of Democracy

What is the political outcome of Democracy?

Democracy produces responsible government. It carries certain liberal ideals of governance, which includes regular and fair elections, public debates on policies, openness to information regarding major government policies.

What are the economic outcomes of Democracy?

Democracy is associated with higher human capital accumulation,  lower inflation, lower political instability and higher economic freedom.

What are the social outcomes of Democracy?

Democracy is responsive to the needs of the people, economic growth and development by reducing all forms of inequality and end of poverty.

What is the basis of democracy and what are its advantages?

Deliberation and negotiation are vital to democracy. Deliberation and negotiation offer the advantage of ensuring that all persons are satisfied with the decisions made.

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